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Where is the COVID-19 spike in the county? Nation?
The Daily Bee (Aug. 7, 2020) included a table indicating four new cases of COVID-19 from the day before and that equaled a total of 175 cases to date in Bonner County. The four new “cases” equaled a 0.023% increase and the 175 equaled a 0.004% of the total Bonner County population.

We all can play a part in containing virus
The angst many educators and parents have surrounding whether students should return to the classroom or learn on-line is not surprising given the news we receive every day about the coronavirus’ spread in our state. In fact, the same debate is raging across the country.
Little’s broken promise will not be forgotten
Throughout his campaign and his time in office, Governor Little has identified education as his number one priority. This is for good reason. Survey after survey shows that education is the number one priority of the people of Idaho, and yet Idaho remains dead last of 50 states in terms of education funding per student.
Rallies, demonstrations and thoughts on history and politics
Once again, we see a demonstration at the courthouse in the afternoon of Aug. 1.
Who are they, these antifa and BLM people?
Who are they?
We are not guinea pigs for SpaceX satellites
SpaceX satellites are about the size of a small refrigerator, about 880 pounds with a life expectancy of only five years. The FCC has approved 20,000 satellites. Once no longer functional they explode to pollute the atmosphere, not to mention the pollution from rocket fuels on the environment to launch them. The whole system depends on the SpaceX ground transmitter/receivers. These are direct-beam phase-array technology communication towers and require a NEPA review, a building use permit and a public hearing.

Sound immigration reform is essential
The U.S. must commit resources to border enforcement

Letter to the Editor: Second Amendment?
A question regarding the 2nd Amendment: If our country has an unarmed, or disarmed, citizenry, how is it possible to have, “… a well-regulated militia…”? It’s not! A ‘militia’ is a military force raised from the civil population to supplement a regular army in an emergency. The wisdom of the Founders. God bless America, and God bless our military. Steve Brixen Sandpoint
Preserving our way of life?
Is it just me or do others feel outraged at the selling off of Bonner County and our precious way of life?
Pastor's Corner: What do you know for sure?
During my first year as a college student, a fellow student from my chemistry class would always greet me when we walked past one another on campus with the question, “What do you know for sure?” A hymn I learned a few years later gives the hymn-writer's take on the answer to that question. She wrote: ...