Sunday, September 29, 2024

Clark Fork finishes undefeated at Newport JV Tournament

by Dylan Greene Sports Editor
| January 22, 2020 12:00 AM

NEWPORT, Wash. — The Clark Fork girls basketball team went 2-0 in the Newport JV Tournament on Monday.

The Lady Cats battled Lakeside’s (Wash.) C team in their first game of the day and stomped the Eagles 47-10.

Clark Fork jumped out to a 22-2 first quarter lead and cruised from there.

Senior Ellie Kiebert led the team with 12 points, five rebounds and four steals while sophomore Katelyn Matteson posted 11 points, seven rebounds and four steals. Freshman Emily Myers and sophomore Caiya Yanik each added 8 points.

The Lady Cats didn’t score any points in the fourth quarter of the game but head coach Jordan Adams said they were trying some things out that may utilize in their upcoming games.

“Sometimes its about learning something new and executing that versus just getting points on the board,” she said.

In their second and final contest of the tourney, the Lady Cats faced Cusick JV and won 60-26.

Clark Fork dominated the first quarter, taking a 24-0 lead thanks to 17 points from Kiebert.

Adams said Kiebert told her before Monday’s games that she had a goal coming into this season to score 25 points in a game.

“I was like ‘well you probably should have told me that at the beginning of the season, but let’s see what we can do today,’” Adams joked.

After sitting out part of the second quarter, Kiebert got to her goal in the third quarter and finished with 26 points and nine rebounds.

Yanik added 12 points and senior Sara Hathaway, sophomore Eva Hoffman and Myers each finished with 6.

Adams said Hoffman has taken huge steps forward this season in a short amount of time and has the potential to be a “phenomenal” basketball player.

With the recent snowstorms forcing the team to postpone two games over the past week and a half, Adams admitted that its been a challenge to keep her players in a rhythm.

However, she said she always stays in contact with her players to make sure they are taking some portion of time on the days they don’t have practice to work on their games.

“If I know I’m not going to see the girls for three days I’ll send out a message on our group text and I’ll be like ‘hey everybody hug your basketball today,’” she said, “whether that means practicing your follow through while you’re watching TV or dribbling the ball for 20 minutes ... that kind of dedication goes a long way when you do have those droughts of no school, no practice and no games.”

The Lady Cats (5-7, 1-2 NSL) host North Star League rival Lakeside 6:30 p.m. tonight hoping to avenge a 54-25 loss to the Knights earlier this season.