Friday, September 27, 2024

Study shows veterans are civically minded

by ROGER GREGORY Contributing Writer
| April 13, 2022 1:00 AM

Sometimes  war veterans are viewed as having PTSD, and struggling, broken and need help in society, but it appears the opposite is true.

In an article "Unsung Heroes," in the latest edition of the VFW (Veterans of Foreign Wars), a new report in November showed that veterans are more "civically minded" than non-veterans in and around their communities, despite little recognition.

As an example, some of the data showed that veterans on the average, accrue 95 hours of volunteer work in a  year, compared to 74 hours for non-veterans. 

In addition, veterans hold a slight advantage in being registered to vote. Also, 37% of veterans belong to a group or organization, compared to 27 percent of non-veterans. The study went on to say that these men and women veterans are the people who volunteered to fight for freedom. 

It is important for communities to recognize their skills and engage them in making an impact in their communities.

Roger Gregory is a Vietnam veteran and business owner in Priest River.