Friday, September 27, 2024

Tugboat built at Beardmore lumber yard is launched

by MARYLYN CORK Contributing Writer
| April 13, 2022 1:00 AM

100 years Ago — 1922

The Vivienne launched

Last Thursday the tugboat, Vivienne, which was built in the Beardmore lumber yard, was hauled on skids from the yard and placed in the river at the foot of Wisconsin Street, where the machinery was placed in it. On Monday it was pulled into the deep water by the Henrietta, the Beardmore steam tug which wintered at Hope.

90 Years Ago — 1932

First trip out

Mr. And Mrs. Birg Pattee came down by boat from Forest Lodge Saturday, accompanied by Gene McCoy, who spent the winter with them. This was their first trip to civilization since last fall.

80 Years Ago — 1942

New camp built

S.W. Jones completed a logging camp on the Middle Fork of East River. The camp has three bunk houses, office and a cook house built in sections so it can be moved, running water piped in from a spring, and a hot water tank for showers. It will provide work for about 30 men.

70 Years Ago — 1952

Wants pollution stopped

A resolution addressed to the Bonner County prosecutor requesting the necessary legal action to prevent the reported pollution of Priest Lake and Priest River by the Outlet Mill was passed unanimously by the Idaho Wildlife Federation at a meeting in St. Maries. The mill is operated by the Diamond Match Company of New York City.

60 Years Ago — 1962

Pair announce roads are open

County Commissioners Jim Mickelson and Homer Smith have announced all roads in districts no. 2 and 1, their districts respectively, are open. They expressed their thanks to the public for patience and cooperation during the heavy snows of the past winter.

50 Years Ago — 1972

Landslide narrows road

The peace of the evening was shattered with a thunderous rumble about 11 p.m. Friday when tons of clay, sand and gravel broke loose on a steep hillside above the Priest River and hurtled with a mighty splash into deep water below. The slide area is below Peninsula Road near the crest of the shingle mill hill.

40 Years Ago — 1982

Perry honored

Marty Perry was named PTSA’s Citizen of the Year because of her concentrated efforts on behalf of youth during her few years as a resident here. It was also the PTSA’s last meeting because no one could be found to fill the offices of president and vice president.

30 Years Ago — 1992

Senator here

Sen. Larry Craig fielded questions on timber, Tom Foley and the New World Order after his breakfast with the chamber of commerce Monday. He was making his annual trip through North Idaho while on Easter Break from Congressional sessions.

20 years Ago — 2002

PR firm builds float planes

Idaho Job Service announced that Aerocet has been chosen as April’s Business of the Month.