Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Connect with the magic of science

by BRENDEN BOBBY Contributing Writer
| January 7, 2022 1:00 AM

You probably know me as the guy that really likes science. Why am I so obsessed with science? Because it’s basically magic!

Science is about more than beakers, rockets and lasers. Science is a way to approach any problem in your life and come up with a solution. You start by identifying a problem; let’s say that problem is the snow isn’t sliding off your shed roof. Upon closer examination, you discover that your shed is starting to make some loud cracking noises. This leads you to believe that the weight of the snow is causing your shed to buckle, and you suspect that the only way to stop this from happening is by removing the weight from the roof.

Your first step might be to turn the heater on inside of your shed and see if the snow will melt. Did this work? Did it only partially work? Did it make the problem worse? You write down your results, and then examine the situation again to see what might have changed.

Congratulations, you just thought like a scientist and used the scientific method! The beautiful thing about the scientific method is that eventually, this loop will lead to a desired result.

Luckily for many of us, countless other people have applied the scientific method to the various problems we have faced throughout history. Rather than starting at the very beginning, we can piggyback off their conclusions to apply the scientific method to work that’s already been done. That means the problem with snow on your shed’s roof may be solved by someone else’s work, which allows you to focus on creating a coating that will allow the snow to slide off more easily.

Are you looking for some more ways to think like a scientist and learn more about the world around you? Check out ScienceFlix through the digital library for a huge variety of science topics for the whole family. You can learn more about scientific subjects from actual scientists that work in those fields, perform experiments at home to experience these results with your own eyes and even find all of the qualifications you need to enter a career in scientific fields.

This is a powerful tool for parents looking to augment their child’s learning, whether at public school, private school or even schooling at home. It can also be a great way for parents or grandparents to connect with younger family members. Grandma’s house is all cookies and afghans until grandma drops a knowledge bomb about micrometeroids traveling 60 miles per second through the Earth’s lower orbit.

You can learn about that, and much more through ScienceFlix.

Brenden Bobby can be reached at the East Bonner County Library, 1407 Cedar St., Sandpoint, by phone at 208-263-6930, or email at