Friday, September 27, 2024

Despite wife's wishes, two terms enough for Grant

by ROGER GREGORY Contributing Writer
| May 11, 2022 1:00 AM

Here is a cute tale.

Ulysses S. Grant was an infantry officer in the Civil War, he rose up through the ranks, and finally President Lincoln made him a lieutenant general, in charge of all the U.S troops.

He was aggressive and won the war for the north. Then he became president and served 2 terms. His father was anti-slavery and Grant was raised that way. However as a young officer, he met this young southern gal, Julia Dent whose father owned slaves and was a southern supporter. When the father, Col. Dent found out that Grant was a Union officer courting his daughter, he swore that if Grant ever came on his property again, he would shoot him. Well that didn't deter Julia and Ulysses as they got married anyway, but the Dents did not attend the wedding.

However after the war, the old man Dent softened his attitude towards Grant. And after Mrs. Dent died, and Grant was president, old man Dent moved into the White House with them. When the two fathers met in the White House, it was not comfortable since they represented entirely different views. Julia Grant loved the White House, the parties and social events as she was raised that way. She wanted Grant to run for a third term, but he had had enough with his military devotion and eight years in the White House, so he declined.

Roger Gregory is a Vietnam veteran and business owner in Priest River.