Friday, September 27, 2024

Strike may postpone logging celebration

by MARYLYN CORK Contributing Writer
| May 11, 2022 1:00 AM

20 Years Ago — 2002

PRE awarded

Idaho Education president Kathy Phelan came to Priest River Elementary School on Tuesday to present an “A-plus Excellence in Education” award to Principal Tony Feldhauson. Each student received a blue ribbon.

30 Years Ago — 1992

Dry weather ends burning

As Idaho enters its sixth dry year in a row, officials have ordered burning season closed immediately. Anyone burning outside city boundaries must have a valid burning permit.

40 Years Ago — 1982

“The Hobbitt” performed

Will the elven queen agree to join forces with the dwarfs in order to recover the missing treasure? How will Bilbo Baggins be able to pluck the treasure from the Dragon’s lair? Find out Saturday and Sunday when the Priest River Junior High Merry Moppets present “The Hobbitt.”

50 Years Ago — 1972

Priest River students honored

Diane M. Wah and Robin C. Page, Priest River High School seniors, have been named winner and alternate of 1972-73 University of Idaho honor awards. Each year a committee of university alumni selects a recipient and an alternate from each county for the award.

60 Years Ago — 1962

Huff setting track record

Ronald Huff Jr., former Priest River High School athlete, is presently running three track events with the Pasadena Olympian Track Club. On May 5, Huff took first in the 100-yard dash in 9.8 and first in the 220, winning in 22.4 on a curved track. These two wins broke the standing California records at the Santa Barbara track.

70 Years Ago — 1952

Strike may postpone event

At a meeting of the Priest River Chamber of Commerce, it was the consensus of opinion that the Loggers Celebration scheduled for June 7-8 be canceled or postponed because of conditions brought about by the current strike. A meeting of Chamber directors will be held at Saturday noon at which time definite action will be taken.

80 Years Ago — 1942

Graduation set

High school graduation exercises for the 1941-42 school year will be held in the new school gymnasium on May 22 at 8 o’clock. Valedictorian of the class is Vera Bombino, and Mary Louise Hill is salutatorian.

90 Years Ago — 1932

New store to open

On or about May 26, a new store will be opened in the Beardmore Block by Ben C. Ross, a newcomer from Sandpoint. It will be a variety store, carrying items ranging in price from 5 cents to $1. The new store will be located one door south of the Rex Theater on Main Street.

100 Years Ago — 1922

Park cleanup set

Tuesday, May 23, has been named as clean-up day for the city playground by Mayor V.C. Lathrop at the request of the Week End Club. Wear your old clothes and come prepared to work. Bring a lunch basket and enjoy the first picnic supper of the season. Probably there will be a large bonfire. If the day is rainy, another will be chosen.