Friday, February 07, 2025

Boundary line returns to BOCC agenda

Staff Writer | May 21, 2023 1:00 AM

The public comment period held before the Bonner County commissioners’ Tuesday business meetings will be limited to 15 minutes this week.

The shortened period is due to another meeting the commissioners must attend in Coeur d’Alene later Tuesday. As usual, comment will begin at 9 a.m., but with a strict 9:15 a.m. limit.

The focus of the meeting will be discussion about the county contract with Sewell Engineering regarding a boundary line adjustment for the fairgrounds' proposed RV campground. The boundary line change is the first step of the first phase of campground construction.

The move follows a recent decision by the Bonner County Fair Board to reject a nearly $500,000 grant to build a proposed RV campground on a disputed parcel between the fairgrounds and the Bonner County Sheriff’s Office.

Bonner County received the Idaho Parks and Recreation grant in mid-2022 for improvements to land adjacent to the Bonner County Fairgrounds for the construction of an RV campground. With a reimbursement grant, Bonner County will initially have to initially pay for the project but will be paid back by IDPR once the project is completed.

However, the topic has been a big point of contention in recent months as critics say the land has been unofficially set aside for a new justice center, as the county jail also sits on a piece of land next to the disputed parcel.

Critics have questioned the transparency and ethics of a boundary line adjustment, saying it is both unnecessary and improperly gives the land to the fairgrounds, something that is unwanted by the fair board.

However, supporters say the move to plat the parcel and fairgrounds is necessary, regardless of what the county does with the disputed parcel. With the plat, they said that regardless of how the property is used, it will be properly recorded.

Also on the agenda are discussions from the county’s planning, road and bridge, and risk management departments. The meeting will end with an executive session regarding technology. Executive sessions are closed to the public to give officials a chance to discuss confidential information; however, all decisions must be made in open session.

The Bonner County commissioner meetings are held at the Bonner County Administration Building, 1500 U.S. 2, and also live streamed via YouTube. To access the streams, visit the Bonner County YouTube page at