Monday, September 16, 2024

We are no longer victims of this world

by SAMMY GARDNER / Contributing Writer
| August 30, 2024 1:00 AM

It feels good to be justified.  

When we are dealing with situations in life, it’s much better to be on the “right side of things.” We can defend our behavior; we can make a case for others to support us.  

When we can say “See what this person did to me?” or “Do you see how they hurt me, how they made me react?” we can elicit sympathy and that helps us to feel better about what’s going on.  

The majority of the time, this is just a knee-jerk instinct. It is a very manipulative person who would do this on purpose. Most of us aren’t that way, but we do have a need to feel accepted and loved. Followers of Christ aren’t immune to this. I, myself, have fallen into this and it is such a destructive thought pattern.  

Aside from causing division amongst people, you are stepping so far outside of your identity in Christ. We are not victims. That’s not to say that people don’t hurt us, that bad things don’t happen, because life sucks sometimes and stuff will hit the fan. Guaranteed. In fact, scripture promises it.  

In John, James, 1 Peter, Romans, and I could keep going. It’s all over the place. But we are more than conquerors in Christ (Romans 8:37). It doesn’t matter what, where, when or why. We respond in love and kindness. We don’t tear down. We don’t walk in a “woe is me” attitude.  

Did we see Jesus moping around after all the persecution He went through? No. I know he felt the same emotions we do, being fully God and fully man. Regardless, He walked in His authority as the Son of God. What makes us think we can act differently? 

“For all who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God.” (Romans 8:14). If we profess to follow Christ, we are made sons and daughters of God. Verse 17 goes on to say that we are heirs with Christ.

It’s time for us to no longer act like victims of this world. You want to affect change? Stand up and walk in the authority given to you. I understand trauma hurts, believe me. But you don’t have to dwell in it. It certainly shouldn’t stop you from being who God made you to be — princes and princesses, heirs of the one true King.   

Sammy Gardner serves at New Fire Ministries.