Sunday, January 19, 2025

Bonner County History - Dec. 31, 2024

| December 31, 2024 1:00 AM

Brought to you by the

Bonner County Historical

Society and Museum

611 S. Ella Ave., Sandpoint, Idaho, 83864



50 Years Ago

Sandpoint News-Bulletin


Heavy wet snow fell in depths up to two feet Dec. 26, causing problems for highway crews and power and telephone companies. Erval Rainey of Northern Lights said “that snow was the perfect texture for trouble. It was heavy enough so that it stuck on everything it hit.” Despite the heavy snow and slush on the highways, neither the sheriff’s department nor the city police noticed a large increase in traffic problems. Weather forecasts for the New Year holiday is for warmer temperatures and no snow. 



A heavy snowfall of light dry powder set the stage for Schweitzer Basin’s best weekend of the season. A crowd of 3,500 gathered Saturday for a sunny day of great skiing. All chairs were running and lift lines were short, but cars reportedly were parking a mile down the road and people were lined up for food and restroom facilities. New snow Sunday enticed another big crowd of 3,200. Schweitzer reported full occupancy at the Overnighter, while in Sandpoint rooms were scarce. Fair skies Monday and forecasts for scattered snow showers will please skiers planning to greet the New Year on the slopes. 



Jim Reed, Kiwanis first v-p, presented a certificate of appreciation from the Sandpoint Kiwanis Club on Dec. 23 to Floyd Perks recognizing his 25 years of community service representing Santa Claus. 

75 Years Ago

Sandpoint News-Bulletin

Dec. 31, 1949 – CITY IN BRIEF

Mr. and Mrs. Guy Hesselgesser were Christmas day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mel Jukich at Samuels.

Mr. and Mrs. Bud Timblin and children were guests of his aunt, Mrs. Elizabeth Woodard, and her daughter, Miss Doris. Others present were Mrs. Jennie Timblin, Cecil Aldrich, John Troth, all of this city, and the Will Troths and sons of Coeur d’Alene. 

Illness kept Charles Stidwell from joining his family’s Christmas festivities. Mr. and Mrs. Edison Stidwell entertained his mother, Mrs. Alice Stidwell, and his uncle, Don C.D. Moore, at Christmas dinner. 

Christmas dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford O. Warren was Harley Gunter of Sagle.



A big crowd attended the grade school Christmas program Friday. First was a delightful play called “Christmas around the Clock,” with all the children taking part. At intermission, a number of Christmas songs were sung by Dale Greenman, Dick Hirst, Doris Sorenson, Don James, “Punk” Johnson and Leland Carlson accompanied by Mrs. Elizabeth Franks. Feature attraction was a six-act marionette show. The lighting effects and puppet costumes were beautiful. At the end of the program, teachers’ and children’s gifts were distributed and oranges and boxes of candy were given all the youngsters. Sandwiches, cookies, coffee and koolade were served by Dick Lorenzon, Bud Grina and Bill Trent. 


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