Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Bonner County History - Nov. 26, 2024

| November 26, 2024 1:00 AM

Brought to you by the

Bonner County Historical

Society and Museum

611 S. Ella AveBonner County History - Sept. 17, 2024., Sandpoint, Idaho, 83864


50 Years Ago

Sandpoint News-Bulletin

Nov. 26, 1974 – NEW FIRM OPENS

Greenwood’s Sales & Service opened this week as Sandpoint’s GE appliance dealer. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Greenwood plan a grand opening on Friday and Saturday. The location, at Third and Pine, which formerly housed the senior citizen center and United Supply, is owned by Fred Darnell and Jim Berry.  



The Small Fry Gallery located in Idaho First National Bank is featuring the art of Sandpoint 7th and 8th grade students this month. Cartoons are by Frank Rhodes, Dan Deshon, Calvin Howell, Dar Munson, Ron Peterson, Chris Eaton, Anne Spradlin and Winnie Redman. Brenda McGuire, Tracy Jones, Jenny Cove and Zale Palmer created the witch. 



The Rocky Mountain Rovers 4-H Club held a meeting Nov. 12 and elected officers for the coming year: Linda Palmen, president; Tammy Howell, vice president; Carol Klippstein, secretary; Sandra Dingman, treasurer; Mark Murray, historian; Carol Gaston, reporter; and Paula Palmen, song leader. 



Tussock moths have killed an estimated half-billion board feet of timber in the Pacific Northwest in two summers, enough to build 50,000 houses. Nealy one million acres were infested.

75 Years Ago

Sandpoint News-Bulletin

Nov. 26, 1949 – SAGLE SCHOOL NEWS

Jimmy Robinson entered the first grade Nov. 10.

The second grade gave a party for Dickie Verhei.

The third and fourth grades have started the skill text work books.

The fourth grade finished their Idaho history and had tests Friday and Monday. 

The seventh and eighth grades had a party Friday evening at the school house. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Anderson took the turkey.

No school Thursday and Friday for Thanksgiving. 



Work was completed last week on poisoning Jewel lake in the Vay district so that scrap fish would be eliminated. The lake will be replanted next spring, probably with cutthroat trout. The 40-acre lake in the past produced good fishing, but has become overpopulated with bass and squawfish. The game department also constructed a fish barrier at the outlet to prevent trash fish from Pend Oreille entering the lake. This is the third lake in Northern Idaho to be treated. Others were Antelope lake near Clark Fork and Solomon lake in Boundary county. 



Don’t miss the musical treat of the month Dec. 2 at 8 o’clock at the Sandpoint high school auditorium when the Gonzaga glee club and varsity quartet present their annual circuit concert. Sponsored by St. Joseph’s Catholic Church.


For more information, visit the museum online at bonnercountyhistory.org.