Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Legals for September, 12 2024

| September 12, 2024 12:00 AM

SUMMONS By Publication TO: Brad Frerkson and Stephanie McCarl You have been sued by Diane J. Wickman, the plaintiff, in the District Court and for Bonner County, Idaho, Case No. CV09-24-1194. The nature of the claim against you is for unlawful detainer. Any time after 21 days following the last publication of this Summons, the court may enter a judgment against you without further notice, unless prior to that time you have filed a written response in the proper form, including the case number, and paid any required filing fee to the Clerk of the Court at215 s. First Avenue Sandpoint, ID 83864 phone 208-265-1432 and served a copy of your response on the other party, whose mailing address and telephone number are: 32248 N. Tomano Ct. Spirit Lake, ID 83869 phone 208-623-6505 A copy of the Summons and Petition/Motion can be obtained by contacting either the Clerk of the Court or the other party. If you wish legal assistance, you should immediately retain an attorney to advise you in this matter. Date: 8/26/2024 Bonner County District Court By:/s/Heather Ross Deputy Clerk Legal#6411 AD#27218 August 29, Sept 5, 12, 19, 2024 _________________________

The following application(s) have been filed to appropriate the public waters of the State of Idaho: 96-17050 KRISTINE TIBBLIN FREDRIK TIBBLIN 619 WILDBERRY LN SAGLE, ID 83860 Point of Diversion SWSE S27 T56N R03W BONNER County Source GROUND WATER Use: DOMESTIC 01/01 to 12/31 0.06 CFS Use: STOCKWATER 01/01 to 12/31 0.02 CFS Use: IRRIGATION 04/01 to 10/31 0.18 CFS Total Diversion: 0.18 CFS Date Filed: 08-08-2024 Place Of Use: DOMESTIC,IRRIGATION,STOCKWATER T56N R03W S27 SWSE Total Acres: 9 96-17053 MICHAEL EISENSTAT SUSANNE EISENSTAT 744 PONDER POINT DR SANDPOINT, ID 83864-8670 Point of Diversion L3(SENW) S12 T57N R02W BONNER County Source LAKE PEND OREILLE Tributary PEND OREILLE RIVER Use: IRRIGATION 04/01 to 10/31 Total Diversion: 0.03 CFS Date Filed: 08-12-2024 Place Of Use: IRRIGATION T57N R02W S12 L3(SENW) Total Acres: 1 96-17054 DIANE LAUTERBACH 178 WESTON RD SANDPOINT, ID 83864-6448 Point of Diversion SESW S33 T56N R02W BONNER County Source WESTMOND CREEK Tributary COCOLALLA LAKE Point of Diversion SESW S33 T56N R02W BONNER County Source WESTMOND CREEK Tributary COCOLALLA LAKE Use: IRRIGATION 04/01 to 10/31 0.15 CFS Use: STOCKWATER 01/01 to 12/31 0.02 CFS Total Diversion: 0.17 CFS Date Filed: 08-12-2024 Place Of Use: IRRIGATION,STOCKWATER T56N R02W S33 NESW,SESW,SWSW Total Acres: 5 96-17055 RUBEN RODRIQUEZ JAMIE RODRIQUEZ PO BOX 81343 CORPUS CHRISTI, TX 78468-1343 Point of Diversion SENW S30 T56N R01W BONNER County Source GROUND WATER Use: DOMESTIC 01/01 to 12/31 Total Diversion: 0.04 CFS Date Filed: 08-12-2024 Place Of Use: DOMESTIC T56N R01W S30 SENW 96-17061 WARREN TRUST 61 SHADOW COVE LN COCOLALLA, ID 83813-9649 Point of Diversion L4(SWSW) S7 T55N R02W BONNER County Source COCOLALLA LAKE Tributary COCOLALLA CREEK Point of Diversion L4(SWSW) S7 T55N R02W BONNER County Source COCOLALLA LAKE Tributary COCOLALLA CREEK Use: DOMESTIC 01/01 to 12/31 0.04 CFS Use: IRRIGATION 04/01 to 10/31 0.03 CFS Total Diversion: 0.07 CFS Date Filed: 08-21-2024 Place Of Use: DOMESTIC,IRRIGATION T55N R02W S7 L4(SWSW) Total Acres: 0.2 Permits will be subject to all prior water rights. For additional information concerning the property location, contact the Northern office at (208)762-2800; or for a full description of the right(s), please see https://idwr.idaho.gov/apps/ExtSearch/WRApplicationResults/. Protests may be submitted based on the criteria of Idaho Code § 42-203A. Any protest against the approval of this application must be filed with the Director, Dept. of Water Resources, Northern Region, 7600 N MINERAL DR STE 100, COEUR D ALENE ID 83815-7763 together with a protest fee of $25.00 for each application on or before 9/23/2024. The protestant must also send a copy of the protest to the applicant. MATHEW WEAVER, Director Legal#6421 AD# 27344 September 5 & 12, 2024 _________________________

NOTICE OF HEARING ON NAME CHANGE Case No. CV09-24-1423 IN THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT FOR THE STATE OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF BONNER IN RE: Gretta Jean Benson, A petition to change the name of Gretta Jean Benson, now residing in the City of Priest River, State of Idaho, has been filed in the District Court in Bonner County, Idaho. The name will change to Gretta Jean Riggs. The reason for the change in name is: Divorce.  A hearing on the petition is scheduled before Judge J. Julian for 11:00 o’clock a.m. on 10/30/2024 at the Bonner County Courthouse. Objections may be filed by any person who can show the court a good reason against the name change. Date: 9th of September 2024. CLERK OF THE DISTRICT COURT /s/J.Hendrickson Deputy Clerk Legal#6445 AD#27736 Sept.12,19, 26 and Oct. 3,2024 _________________________

NOTICE TO CREDITORS Case No. CV09-24-1369 IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF BONNER In the Matter of the Estates of, KENNETH GAYNE EARLE and JACQUELINE ANN EARLE, formerly known as JACQUELINE ANN MORTINSON, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that JOHN A. FINNEY has been appointed Personal Representative for the Estates of KENNETH GAYNE EARLE and JACQUELINE ANN EARLE, formerly known as JACQUELINE ANN MORTINSON. All persons having claims against the deceased or their estates are required to present their claims within four (4) months after the date of the first publication of this notice or said claims will be forever barred. Claims must either be presented to the undersigned at the address indicated, or filed with the Clerk of the Court and a copy furnished to the Personal Representative’s attorney. DATED this 9 day of September, 2024. /s/ John A. Finney JOHN A. FINNEY FINNEY FINNEY & FINNEY, P.A. 120 E. Lake Street, Ste 317 Sandpoint, Idaho 83864 Attorney and Personal Representative of the Estates of KENNETH GAYNE EARLE and JACQUELINE ANN EARLE, formerly known as JACQUELINE ANN MORTINSON Legal#6446 AD#11660 September 12, 19, 26 2024 _________________________