Sunday, October 13, 2024

Bonner County History - Sept. 22, 2024

| September 22, 2024 1:00 AM

Brought to you by the

Bonner County Historical

Society and Museum

611 S. Ella Ave., Sandpoint, Idaho, 83864



50 Years Ago

Sandpoint News-Bulletin

Sept. 22, 1974 – NEW HATCHERY BOSS

Bill Carter, the Sandpoint Fish Hatchery’s new superintendent, who brings 14 years’ experience to his new job, estimates 5,000 people will visit the facility on the shore of the Pend Oreille River each year. “There are no problems associated with being hatchery superintendent,” he said, “it’s a likeable, pleasant job.” Carter lives at the hatchery with his wife Ellamae and 14-year-old son, Billy. 



Over 1500 attended the Co-op’s 40th birthday party last week. A.W. Evans of Evans Refrigeration, won the grand prize, 100 gallons of gas and a Safari Fluorescent light. Prize winners who signed up at the station were Joe Gibbs, Judith Larkin, William R. Thacker, Beverly Greenland, Kathy Sender, Blanche Roos, H.S. Cragun, Pete VanDerPas, Faye Moore, Mary Ann Pecukonis, J.E. Overholser, Cele Wendt, Mae Knudson, Mrs. U.E. March, Tony Wyss, Larry Geren, Jim Kubecka, Ed Sammons, Connie Kent, Eva McKay, Howard Bogue, Paul Tomlinson, Randy Biletti, Vicki Johnson, Harp Turnbull, Terri Albertson, E.D. Sellers, C.R. Kogel, Gilbert Lepel, Mona Heath, Mrs. H. Dockins and Mrs. James Raglund. Elevator prize winners: Denny Shields, Pat Heki, Don Amoth, and Chris Ramko. Candle supplies winners: Tracy Irish, Jean Jasman, Izetta Nelson, Maggie Becker, Mary Ann Pecukonis, Betty Glazier, Mrs. Vic Schatz, Mrs. Art Burnett, Nancy Miller, Bernice DeMers, Judith Larkin, Annie Overholser and Mary Hunt. 


75 Years Ago

Sandpoint News-Bulletin

Sept. 22, 1949 – STYLE REVUE WINNERS!

Winners in the Bonner county fair style revue were Sandra Bloom, Christine Weisz, Eileen Irons and Yvonne Linscott, all of Kootenai; Patricia Hawkins, Janice Larkin, Cheryl Freeman and Janice Freeman of Oden; Marguerite Dockins and Sonya Bond, Mountain View; Marjorie Dahlstrom, Samuels; and Annette Carpenter, Sandpoint. They will now compete in the district revue at Moscow Oct.3.



Young people leaving for school this fall have been John Hunt, who entered Hill military academy, and Betty Hunt, who is enrolled in Lewis and Clark college, both in Portland. Margie Kinney entered her sophomore year at the University of Idaho; Ted Peterson, Hugo Reicken, Donna Mehs and Anne Brooks are freshmen; Joan Price and Oscar Stubberud are juniors, and Dewey Selle is continuing his forestry course there. Myrvin Selle has entered Idaho state college, Pocatello, for his junior year. Jim McClellan is attending Cheney. 



Mr. and Mrs. George A. Berggren of Altoona, Wis., are enjoying a visit with her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Len E. Ulrich. This is Mr. Berggren’s first stop in Sandpoint. He has anticipated the good fishing in Lake Pend Oreille and with Ulrich as a guide, has had some good luck on several fishing excursions.


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