Friday, February 07, 2025

Prop 1 allows for independent thinking

| September 22, 2024 1:00 AM

Idaho primaries are going to change and, for once, we have a say in it.

Thirteen years ago, the Republican Central Committee closed Idaho’s primaries and blocked the votes of hundreds of thousands of Idahoans. Previously I could declare a party at the polling place, now I must go into the county and sign a registration card well before the election. One Republican Central Committee proposed rule change requires two years of being a registered Republican before being allowed to vote in a primary, two years.

The result of closing the primary is that almost 276,000 people are blocked from voting in the primary. Before closing the primary, about 40% of Idahoans were independents.

Proposition 1 opens the primaries again. Everyone gets to vote in the primary and the top four move on to November. In November we would use the same rank choice voting system that the Bonner County Republican Central Committee uses. If your first choice is not the top two your second pick gets your vote. Votes will never be assigned to someone you didn’t vote for.

In November we have a chance to allow independent thinking back into Idaho. Vote for Proposition 1.

