Bonner County History - Feb. 2, 2025
Brought to you by the
Bonner County Historical
Society and Museum
611 S. Ella Ave., Sandpoint, Idaho, 83864
50 Years Ago
Sandpoint News-Bulletin
Sandpoint Christian School announces the second quarter honor roll - students who maintained a test average of ninety per cent or more: David Arnold, Debbie Johnson, Keith Clyde, Donna Johnson, Scott Young, Brook Martin, Laura Martin, Alan Young and Ray Jones. Only four students have maintained a ninety per cent or higher average the entire first semester: John Kinne, Juanita White, Colin McAllister and Arlene Clyde.
Cub Scout Pack 120 held its annual pinewood derby races last week at the Elks. The winners were Tim Benson, first; Chris Mueller, second; Mike Muntz, third; Jeff Buck, fourth; Wade Brown, fifth; and Doug Davis, sixth. Boys were aided in the preparation of cars by their fathers.
The Ladies auxiliary of F.O.E. No. 589 is making police-type whistles available as a protection for women and older people in the community, said Mrs. Toni Herrin, who leads the program here. The distribution is part of an International Eagles’ campaign to “blow the whistle on crime.” A blast on the whistle in case of attack is almost certain to make the attack come to a quick stop and draw immediate attention from people in the vicinity. The program, spreading rapidly throughout the U. S. and Canada, was set in motion by the Eagles at its 1974 International convention In Milwaukee last summer.
75 Years Ago
Sandpoint News-Bulletin
Feb. 2, 1950 – SUBZERO COLD WAVE
The worst cold wave to grip the region since 1933 has held the thermometer to below zero temperatures six of the last seven days. Coldest days were Monday and Tuesday with 31 and 30 below, respectively. Coldest temperature on record was -35 on Feb. 9, 1933. Despite the cold, Sandpoint schools reopened Monday after being closed most of the previous week.
The city will have a skating rink, it was announced jointly by the Kiwanis club and Sandpoint recreation board. Work began yesterday clearing snow from good solid ice on the south side of the city dock using the city Jeep’s blade. The area will be sprayed with a fine spray from a fire hose to take out rough spots and sometime today it is expected there will be good ice to skate on. Mountain States Power is installing flood lights for night skating and it is planned to have a loudspeaker system with music in the evenings. The rink will be open until 9:30 p.m.
The Sandpoint American Legion basketball team meets the Newport town team in the Sandpoint high gym Saturday. Legion players are Kenneth Raynor, Bob Bloxom, Glenn Hadley, Cecil Aldrich, Bud Jones, Jack Rogers, Jim Spring and Bob Moore.
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