Geezer Forum and senior center join forces
Beloved long-standing community leader, Paul Graves, has made the decision to leave the area to be closer to his family in Oregon.
His early endeavors as mayor, minister and elder advocate are but a few of the contributions he has made to our small community. Graves' departure may have required the Geezer Forum, running for over a decade in this town, to fold and cease to exist.
However, through many conversations, brainstorming and dreaming it has been decided that the Geezer Forum will continue under the guidance of Sandpoint Area Seniors, Inc. With SASi’s longstanding presence in the community and attunement to the needs of the area's aging community, it is a perfect match.
On Tuesday, Feb. 11, at 2:30 p.m., Graves' farewell and final Geezer Forum being at the helm, we will together celebrate him as he passes the torch to SASi director Lisa Bond.
“We are excited to welcome the Geezer Forum and look forward to continuing to bring education, fun, and connection to the Sandpoint area community,” Lisa Bond, SASi director, said.
Both the Geezer Forum and Sandpoint Area Seniors have been separately serving the aging community in meaningful ways for several years.
Geezer Forum will continue to meet at Marigold Café (formerly Tango) on the second Tuesday of each month at 2:30 p.m.