Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Drive raises funds for those in need

| January 29, 2025 1:00 AM

SANDPOINT — Several Bonner County programs are among those benefitting from Umpqua Bank's recent Warm Hearts Winter Drive.

Umpqua Bank officials announced this week that the 2024 Warm Hearts Winter Drive successfully raised $343,966, with more than $2.8 million since the fundraiser's inception in 2015. The annual Warm Hearts Winter Drive raises funds and collects clothing donations made by Umpqua Bank associates, customers and community members to benefit those who struggle with housing and access to other basic resources. 

"Over the past ten years, our Warm Hearts Winter Drive has brought communities together during the holidays to raise millions in donations for local shelters and aide organizations across our footprint," said David Moore Devine, Umpqua Bank's Chief Marketing Officer. "I am very proud of the way our associates have rallied their local communities to support this cause. We are grateful for the generosity of so many who've helped us raise nearly $3 million since the beginning of the fundraiser in 2015 to help our neighbors in need."   

This year's drive received thousands of contributions from individuals and organizations, Umpqua officials said. All designated contributions and donations to the drive stay in the community where they were raised and directly support over 100 local shelters and organizations. 

In North Idaho, among those receiving donations and funds from the 2024 drive include Bonner Homeless Transitions, Community Action Partnership, Family Promise of Northern Idaho, Helping Hearts and Hands and Priest River Ministries Advocates for Women.