Sunday, February 16, 2025

Bonner County History - Jan. 30, 2025

| January 30, 2025 1:00 AM

Brought to you by the

Bonner County Historical

Society and Museum

611 S. Ella Ave., Sandpoint, Idaho, 83864



50 Years Ago

Sandpoint News-Bulletin

Jan. 30, 1975 – ARE IS CAPTURED

William Morgan a.k.a. William Leslie Are, 29, was arrested Jan. 23 in West Virginia. Morgan, leader of “Ares Tribe,” broke out of Bonner County jail July 22 with the help of other tribe members. He and three others were later involved in a kidnap-robbery near Clark Fork. Using the name of Jimmy Lightfeather when arrested, he had 11 rifles in his possession, one of them stolen from the Bonner County jail in the breakout. Morgan has waived extradition. Upon his return to Bonner County, he faces charges of escape felony, assault with a deadly weapon, auto theft, second degree kidnapping and grand larceny. 



Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hall were pleasantly surprised Jan. 10, when friends and relatives arrived to help them celebrate their 30th wedding anniversary. Guests were their son, Warren Hall, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Wood, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Roberts and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Kennedy and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hickey, and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hill and Becky. 



Ms. Bernadette (Jamie) Fallat, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Fallat, Rte. 3, Sandpoint, was named to the fall semester honor roll at Weber State College.

75 Years Ago

Sandpoint News-Bulletin

Jan. 30, 1950 – NEWS FROM SAGLE

Heavy snows did much damage at the Hannigan farm, where a barn fell in, and on the Glenn Reed farm, where a large henhouse roof fell in, crushing some of the hens. Most of the hens escaped in the part still standing. Jim, Clarence and Kenneth Reed and Harlan Walker are still digging out and don’t yet know how many hens were trapped under the roof.  

Alvie Jeffres, who works for Furniture Exchange in Sandpoint, has been staying with his grandfather, Mr. Tetschner, in Sandpoint, the past week since the storm last Friday blocked so many roads. Myrna Mae Reed, who works at the Co-op creamery, has been staying in town with Mrs. Margaret Hunter since Alvie hasn’t been able to drive. 



A letter was received by Mrs. Clarence Brixen from her son Gene, who enclosed a picture from the Fairbanks, Alaska newspaper of Sandpoint’s recent [Jan. 9-11] three-foot snowfall and a story on the 38-inch total. Brixen, who is stationed at Todd air force base, only 15 miles south of the arctic circle, said he was very surprised to see a picture from home. 



While Sandpoint’s business district was being cleared, residential streets were given only enough attention to let residents get their cars on the street. With warm winds early in the week, streets in some cases became impassable. By Wednesday, streets began to take on some semblance of order, though in places there is still one-way traffic and some intersections are a morass of wet gummy slush.


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