Be a true co-heir with Jesus
Here is the desire of my heart, for myself, and every believer, all who proclaim the name of Jesus; that when people talk to us, or see us, they question they must ask: "Are you crazy?” Because my desire, also, is for the answer to be, “absolutely.”
See, we can’t take the proclamation of the name of Jesus lightly. I look at all of the great heroes of the Bible, the men and women of mighty faith, and they were absolutely sold out of their minds when it came to walking out their call in life.
We look at Noah, a man who lived in a time before water ever fell from the sky, and he proclaimed openly that it would rain and flood the very foundations of the earth … how crazy he must have sounded until the floodwaters arose.
Joshua, a man who was just stepping into leadership after his predecessor died, telling men and women who had spent 40 years wandering in the desert to just walk around this stronghold and the walls will crumble. “Foolishness,” I would say.
We see David, a young shepherd boy who has never seen the thrill of battle before, face a giant who had all other men shaking in their boots, and approached with confidence and fire in his eyes appalled at the mockery he was making of God's chosen people.
Who could possibly view these things as anything but madness, and yet, the waters did rise, and walls did fall, and the giant was slain. And we see a man, a carpenter's son, proclaim we are to love those who hate us, bless those who persecute us, and to offer your other cheek when the one gets slapped. And He died for those that hated Him.
So, should I not be just as crazy as these? Just as completely uncaring of how I look, for the sake of the kingdom, for sake of looking like Jesus? I write this out as a challenge for you believers as we enter into another season of our lives, be open to the crazy, be ready for God to ask you to do something uncomfortable, to look like a fool to the world that His wisdom would shine through (1 Corinthians 3:18).
I challenge us as brothers and sisters, let us truly look like co-heirs with Christ and we will begin to see our heavenly inheritance here on earth.
Justin Gardner pastors at River of Life Fellowship, 702 Church St., Sandpoint. The church can be reached at 208-255-7111.