Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Tolerance deserves more than lip service

| December 19, 2004 8:00 PM

Our politically correct community has a dirty little secret that hardly anybody is willing to acknowledge.

People around here are fond of advocating the concept of tolerance, yet there seems to be a notable lack of tolerance being practiced. It's as though tolerance only extends as far as each person's viewpoint and no further.

I was reminded of this as I watched letters coming in voicing outrage over the "Christmas in Sandpoint" sign at the corner of U.S. Highway 95 and South First Avenue. When I first noticed the sign, I thought, "Wow. Somebody put up a Christmas sign and it has a passage from the Bible on it."

Then I moved on with my life.

Remember when the Lake Pend Oreille School District arranged for students to see Buddhist monks visiting Sandpoint a couple of years ago? A lot of people freaked, objecting to the idea of their kids being exposed to an Eastern religion.

Christianity has a theme of tolerance in its belief structure, but not a lot of tolerance was displayed by those who opposed their kids seeing the monks.

The same dynamic seems to be at work with the sign on the corner. Some of those who subscribe to non-Christian beliefs preach tolerance, but that tolerance seems to fade when presented with contrary beliefs.

It's the elephant standing in the middle of the room which you can't miss, but few will acknowledge is even there. Some of the people who preach tolerance can be some of the most intolerant people out there.

? Keith Kinnaird is the Daily Bee's news editor and a reporter.