Why show tolerance
for violence, war?
Show a little tolerance, Mrs. Brady, are you kidding? One of the inherent drawbacks of being tolerant and kind hearted is that greedy, mean-spirited people often take advantage of you. Tolerant and kind-hearted people of the country unite. Together we can ignore those idiots who keep trying to run the country into the ground in the name of God and capital gains.
Why on earth should we be tolerant of the continued destruction of this planet for material gain, with little to no consideration for the long-term effects, just because some misguided fools think that Jesus is going to come and take all their troubles away. Planet be damned, great-great-grandchildren be damned, tolerance be damned.
Why should we show tolerance for war, any war and especially this one. You can't tell me that, as intelligent as we are, we can't figure out a way to solve our problems without killing people. To show tolerance is to show acceptance and it's about time we stop accepting this as inevitable.
Why should we show tolerance for the end of the Constitution? Why should we show tolerance for a president that is so willing to legislate in order to control our bodies and our minds because God tells him to. If that is not a law respecting an establishment of religion I don't know what is. You be nice to the jerk, I'm calling a spade a spade.
Tolerance, my tookie. I'll show tolerance for your ideology when you stop trying to make the laws of the land reflect your religious beliefs and your desires to have nothing stand between you and the almighty buck. Don't want an abortion, don't have one. Don't want a gay marriage, don't have one. Don't want clean air, suck on a tail pipe. Keep your God in your home and your church, I don't want him. I don't force my God on you so back off.
You've got some nerve to ask for tolerance in one breath and $25 in the next, in order to find out what the Republican Party is about and to meet your local officials. Seems to me, Mrs Brady, that that request just about sums it up.