Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Marina plan still not right for Dover

| November 15, 2004 8:00 PM

On Sept. 8, there was a hearing conducted by the Idaho Department of Lands relating to an application submitted by Waterfront Property Manage-ment, AKA Ralph Sletager, requesting an encroachment permit for a commercial marina in Dover.

The application was denied.

WPM has now made a new application, a notice of which was published in the Nov. 4, Daily Bee. WPM has requested a permit for 274 boat slips extending into the river 677 feet (according to maps submitted by WPM), occupying 13.2 acres of the Pend Oreille River. Adding 200 feet of no-wake zone required by Bonner County at this point in the river which is only 1,900 feet across. Plus it would be a serious threat to navigation.

WPM provided no information to indicate parking would be available. State of Idaho requires one parking space per two watercraft moorages. There were other objections by the IDL too numerous to include in this letter. In order for IDL to conduct a new hearing it is necessary to have written requests on file by Dec. 4. Please send your requests and/or objections to this marina to: The Department of Lands, 3706 Industrial Avenue South, Coeur d'Alene ID 83815.



If they're dumb, why are they in charge?

Many opponents of President Bush seem to be taking solace in distinctions of intellect and education supposedly borne out by this election's electoral demographics. That is, intelligent, college graduates voted for John Kerry, while less intelligent, high school graduates voted for President Bush. Setting aside whether the claim, broadly, is true, it is interesting that Kerry supporters are taking comfort in the distinction.

Suppose you lived in a village of 100 people. Of that 100, 51 were somewhat dim-witted and relatively ignorant. 48 were the reverse, bright and studied. The last was somewhat eclectic, though largely matched the profile of the 48, and more often identified with them. Lastly, and most importantly, the 51 illiterate dimwits ran nearly every aspect of the village.

If it were me, I'm not so sure how much pride I would take in being a member of the group of 48. Quite the reverse, I might be asking myself the most obvious question. To wit: If we're so smart and they're so dumb, and there are only two more of them than there are of us, why are they in charge?



Americans need to find common ground

I waited a few days after Bush's reelection and Kerry's magnanimous concession speech to see how the Kerry supporters would react. What I have heard and read are various columnists such as Michael Kinsley, Maureen Dowd, Bob Herbert and various others demean not just the President but his supporters as well. Several letters from our local Democrats offer dire predictions and forecasts over the next four years. Now, it seems, there are conspiracies afloat that accuse Bush of stealing the election through computer manipulation.

What we need to do is find common ground, respect each other's views, and give the President the benefit of the doubt "as much as it is possible." This angry division of our nation will not lick a swarm of bees, let alone the war on terror and the many domestic problems we have to solve.

As a final suggestion to our Democratic friends, if you want the White House back, nominate someone such as Evan Bayh or Joe Lieberman in 2008. Hillary Clinton would simply widen the great divide.


Clark Fork