Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Why are voters treating liberals with contempt?

| November 27, 2004 8:00 PM

During the campaign and in the post election period, I have heard suggestions that the Democratic Party is the party of liberals and the elite. Not being quite sure what that means, I turned to my dictionary.

I found that a liberal is one "favoring proposals for reform, open to new ideas for progress, and tolerant of the ideas and behavior of others; broad-minded." Is that someone to be disdained? My conservative friends seem to think so. I also discovered that elite means "the best or most skilled members of a group."

While the liberal label applies to most Democrats I know, I wouldn't begin to suggest that the elite label applies broadly. Sure we have some members who are very bright and skilled, but that begs the question — why wouldn't you want members of your group, whatever it may be, to be among the elite. I'll take all we can get.

It further raises the question of why much of the American electorate denigrates the best and brightest while, at the same time, consider education one of their core values. It doesn't make sense to aspire for your kids to have a college education, yet treat those that do with contempt.

If anyone can explain that to me, I'm listening.



Bonner County Democratic Central Committee
