Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Agents' actions pose dragnet concerns

| April 27, 2005 9:00 PM

On the last day of a U.S. federal marshal "dragnet" it was made public that, "G" men, in conjunction with SWAT teams across the country rounded up more than 10,000 fugitives of justice in just six short days. Getting that many offenders off the street is a good thing. However, does anyone else see the wide sweeping implications here?

If they can coordinate to do that, why not just round up anyone. Religious sects other that main stream, dissidents, gun owners, known protesters and activist who are political enemies of the current regime. What about veterans? The FBI has them listed as a threat. With the help of the Patriot Act, they could round up anyone who disagrees with them, and do it to the tune of 10,000 a week. The marshals stated their two goals clearly — show their bosses in Washington they could do it, and show they need more of our tax dollars to do it again. Sounds like practice to me.

Does it seem weird to anyone else that we didn't hear about it until it was over? How do you keep a large nationwide operation a secret? Unless, of course, you control the press! It won't be long now folks.

