Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Parties not responsible for property tax woes

| August 31, 2005 9:00 PM

I don't know exactly what point Harvey Pine was trying to drive home in his most recent letter. As usual, he voices his disapproval of majority rule along with his usual bashing of the Republican party.

However, if his concern is property taxes, he and all other taxpayers should contact Delores Crow, the chair of the House Revenue and Taxation Committee. Constitutionally, it is through her committee that all bills dealing with taxes must pass. According to one of our finest representatives in Boise, she routinely sticks tax relief bills in her desk drawer, including one that would have increased the homeowner's exemption. The problem is not with one dominate political party, nor one party fighting with the other, but rather portions of the state with tremendous growth versus portions of the state with no growth.


Clark Fork