Bill filled with hatred for gays
When I was young, marriage was ritual of passage into the adult world. We were someone's children until we got married. Then, we concentrated on a career, building a home and becoming responsible citizens. Hollywood bombarded us with visions of love and romance and many fantasized marrying a Tarzan or Suzie Q but in my crowd most married the person they were dating when it came time to make the transition to the world of grown ups.
We believed our love would grow as we grew old together. I realize times and values have changed. Many single people have great careers, are building beautiful homes and are contributing to our community as responsible citizens.
I am sensitive to the fact that some singles may resent my reference to out dated values. Shouldn't citizens be sensitive to my values? There are still people who need the commitment to make that passage. I am amazed that we have politicians who say gays should never have that right. But that is not enough. They want an issue on our ballet so everyone can express their hate. Yes, they say this is not hate just giving people a chance to express and mark a box. Does anyone believe it would be on the ballet so we could express compassion?
At my age, there is more to commitment than sex. It means some one worries if I come home late. Some one cares if I am well enough to get out of bed in the morning. There is concern if I don't eat my meal. And yes, it includes bitching when I act like a slob but it is hard to visualize living any other way. I am surprised we have so many senators who want to put commitment on the ballet to express their hate for gays as they insult people like me.