Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Taking care of business keeps community viable

| February 21, 2005 8:00 PM

I hope that the Planning Commission, Planning and Zoning, and the council will not be overly influenced by what appears to be an intense minority and, perhaps, even a majority, that thinks "views" and "character" sustain the viability of a community which we all hold dear. Our city was founded on neither, has survived on neither and will prosper on neither, and a sensibly applied ordinance raising the height limit by 15 feet will not even inflict a flesh wound on either.

To the contrary, taking care of business is an essential ingredient to the viability of a community. As our area grows, and that is inevitable, many businesses will grow, some will close and some will open, with or without adjustments in height limits or most other ordinances.

One by-product that the opposition to adjusting the height limit doesn't seem to acknowledge is the inevitable sprawl forced by outward growth as opposed to accommodating some of and the most desirable growth, upward. The synergistic effect of that kind of growth is critical to the health of our local economy, so important to the creation of quality jobs and increased tax base.

