Wednesday, December 18, 2024

As a visitor to this wonderful town of Sandpoint, I am sometimes in awe of the large differences the minority have with the majority.

| January 3, 2005 8:00 PM

Most recently it has been with respect to Jesus Christ. How dare someone actually metion his name, much less publish it on a sign. For most it has been a fear that Jesus is being pressed upon them as though being forced to wear a coat out in the cold. I believe that there is a large fear of God amongst many. His name is uttered and people become angry, and you can hear the fear in their voices and read it in their letters.

The world is full of evidence to a higher being. The way in which we track years is associated with the year that Christ was crucified, the most significant holiday of the year is Christmas and many more. Our world is complex with many critical items needing to be within micro-inches of one another in order to miss destruction. Chance has far to many variables to denounce the presence of a supreme being.

So what is it that people don't like about Jesus? What about his character is displeasing? A man who was most humble, who loved unconditionally, who proclaimed peace, who healed the sick, made the lame to walk and blind to see. Why shouldn't the city of Sanpoint cling to such a wonderful man and celebrate his grace and mercy upon all of us. I for one find it very comforting to know that our country is being led by a man who has his faith in the one who created this world. I know that Jesus weeps at mankind's desire to self-destruct from within and turn a blind eye to the creator of heaven and earth. Jesus does live and praise God for those who have chosen to recognize the greatest gift of the seasons and that was a tiny baby who came as a gift to all. That is the meaning of Christmas and there is no reason to fear or be angry.


Grand Junction, Colo.