Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Will new commissioners be leaders or followers?

| January 17, 2005 8:00 PM

Everybody is entitled to an opinion, they can keep it to themselves or express it. I'm going to express mine. In reading Tuesday's Bee installation of the new county commissioners, I found it was interesting.

Outgoing commissioner Jerry Clemons made the statement, "Regarding politics, you can look back and feel proud if you did well. But if you fail miserably, you can always write a book."

I wonder if the title of his book is going to be "Was I There?"

As for Brian Orr, his could be "Tax and Spend."

As for Commissioner Marcia Phillips, she could start on hers, "Simple Oversight."

As far as I'm concerned, the new commissioners have already made their first errors.

First, they voted her in. I hope they realized what they did. Are they going to be leaders or followers? They were elected to office to be leaders; I hope they took the lead. As I said, everybody is entitled to their opinion.

