Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Graduates had the right to express individuality

| June 27, 2005 9:00 PM

This letter is in response to Michelle Marker regarding graduation attire. Since when has graduation day become about the parents or administration? Graduation day is supposed to be about the students who worked so hard to get to that turning point in their lives. It is their day. I am sure that the parents of those students who so "disrespectfully" walked barefooted, in pants, leis, or sandals, were encouraging their children to show individuality rather than conformity. Since when is individuality disrespectful?

My sister was one of those graduates who proudly walked barefooted up the ramp to accept her diploma, she also graduated with honors while working full time and paying rent on her own apartment for the last 2 years.

If society wishes to send 267 young adults off into the world with the belief that it is disrespectful to be themselves, then maybe they should petition the school board to enforce a dress code.

As for tradition, where have you been? Tradition went out the window a long time ago.

Melissa Billetdeaux
