Wednesday, December 18, 2024


| March 26, 2005 8:00 PM

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\f0\fs24 \cf0 It\'d5s important to preserve \

our visual corridors\

I was disappointed in the visual materials used in the building height workshop. The Planning Commission staff produced a picture and a map to provide a viewpoint. The picture was an aerial or satellite map giving a birds-eye view of downtown Sandpoint. These displays are great for identifying and relating to town as a group of buildings and roads appearing as blocks and lines, but did not provide a street level viewpoint for deciding which locations will go to what height based on the visual and scenic assets of the town. The value and worth of seeing the wide horizon of mountains capping our town as viewed from Fifth Avenue is lost in an aerial view. \

I encourage the City Counsel to ask themselves, and their friends, the following questions: What is the value of the sight of Mt. Baldy and Schweitzer, with its ski runs lined with snow (most years), from the public area in front of Arlo\'d5s? How important is it to preserve the visual corridors looking east and west on Oak Street and north and south on Third? These views frame horizons with forest covered mountains. Are the little, but inspiring, snapshots of the Cabinets between the Cedar Street Bridge and All Smiles, Arlo\'d5s and Eaves Leaves and the Panida and Lake Country Real Estate, worth considering as cityscape assets?\

These questions are offered into the mix of what must be an already complicated and volatile subject for the Planning Commission and City Council. I also want to thank these people for taking on the pressures and politics of these matters. I have posted the pictures matching these and other questions, as well as the city map and aerial picture, at the following website: I would also suggest entering into Google \'d2smart growth building heights.\'d3 The first entry is interesting, as well as many others.\


Garfield Bay}