Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Everyone should be able to vote on building heights

| May 2, 2005 9:00 PM

My husband and I have moved back to Sandpoint after living in Florida for the past four years. The upcoming vote on building height restrictions has given me time to ponder a solution.

While the voting may give the City Council some idea of the desires of the community, it should be open to not only registered voters, but all property owners inside the city limits of Sandpoint.

Many people own rental property, businesses and vacant land in Sandpoint but live elsewhere. The council should poll business owners (who rent their property rather than own it) as well. This would give it a better feel for the wishes of the entire community.

Another thought, could the upcoming bypass end up taller than 45 feet? I don't know the answer. I am very happy to be back in the area after years of absence, but would hate to see the economic value of Panhandle State Bank leave our area. Progress is not always a bad thing. Having these dollars in our community is a good thing.

I hope the council considers the value of good jobs when the voting occurs.

