Wednesday, December 18, 2024


| November 5, 2005 8:00 PM

T.S. No. 200501753-25562 Loan

No. 9806482

On 02/06/2006 at 11:00 am (recognized

local time), at the following

location in the County of

Bonner, State of Idaho: At the

front entrance to the First

American Title Co, 419 N. 2nd

Sand-point, ID 83864, First

American Title Insurance

Company, as Trustee will sell at

public auction, to the highest

bidder, for cash, in lawful money

of the United States, all payable

at the time of sale, the following

real property, situated in the

County of Bonner, State of

Idaho, and described as follows:

Exhibit "A" Real property in the

County of Bonner, State of

Idaho, de-scribed as follows: All

that certain real property situated

in the Northeast Quarter of

Section 29 and the South-east

Quarter of Section 20, Township

57 North, Range 4 West, Boise

Meridian, Bonner county, Idaho,

more particularly described as

follows: Beginning at a point on

the North line of said Northeast

Quarter of Section 29, said point

bears North 89o34'14" West a

distance of 1094.49 feet from the

Northeasterly corner of said

Section 29; Thence from said

point of Beginning South

49o37'47" West, 233.57 feet to a

point on a line lying East 45 feet

from and parallel with the East

line of the Northeast Quarter of

the Northwest Quarter of the

Northeast Quarter; thence

along said parallel line South

01o09'20" East, 493.19 feet to its

inter-section with the South line

of said North half of the North

half of the Northeast Quarter;

thence along said South line

North 88o34'50" West, 326.56

feet to its intersection with the

East line of the West 380 feet of

said Northeast Quarter of the

Northwest Quarter of the

Northeast Quarter; thence

along said East line North

01o00'45" West, 348.03 feet;

thence North 88o59'15" East

26.42 feet; thence North

00o56'04" East, 300.65 feet to an

intersection with the North line

of said Section 29; thence along

said North line, South 89o34'14"

East, 469.40 feet to the point of

beginning, Together with; A portion

of the Southeast Quar-ter of

Section 20, Township 57 North,

Range 4 West of the Boise

Meridian, Bonner county, Idaho,

more particularly described as

follows: Beginning at a point on

the Southerly line of said

Southeast Quarter of said

Section 20, said point bears

North 89o34'14" West, a distance

of 1094.49 feet from the

Southeasterly corner of said

Section 20; thence from said

point of beginning, continuing

along said section line, North

89o34'14" West, 469.40 feet;

thence North 0o56'04" East,

36.69 feet; thence North 8o09'09

West, 15.21 feet to the centerline

of an unnamed road; thence

along said centerline, North

83o08'31" East, 156.81 feet;

thence South 89o49'12" East,

147.92 feet; thence South

80o41'08" East, 20.02 feet; thence

North 88o36'32" East, 89.13 feet;

thence North 79o42'38" East,

77.07 feet; thence leaving said

centerline, South 11o23'36"

West, 87.85 feet to the point of

beginning. The Trustee has no

knowledge of a more particular

de-scription of the above referenced

real property, but for purposes

of compliance with

Section 60-113 Idaho Code, the

Trustee has been informed that

the address of 188 Pine Creek

Lane, Priest River, Idaho 83856

is sometimes associated with

said real property. Said sale will

be made without covenant or

war-ranty regarding title, possession

or encumbrances to satisfy

the obligation secured by and

pursuant to the power of sale

conferred in the Deed of Trust

executed by Dayle Westra, an

unmarried man, as grantors, to

Alliance Title, as Trustee, for the

benefit and security of National

City Mortgage Co. dba

Accumortgage, as Beneficiary,

dated 04/04/2001, and recorded

on 04/13/2001, as Instrument

No. 579976, of Official Records

of Bonner County, Idaho. Please

Note: The above Grantors are

named to comply with section

45-1506(4)(A), Idaho Code. No

repre-sentation is made that

they are, or are not, presently

responsible for this obligation

set forth herein. The Default for

which this sale is to be made is

the failure to pay when due,

under Deed of Trust and Note

dated 04/04/2001. The monthly

installments for principal, interest

and impounds (if applicable)

of 638.16, due per month for the

months of 6/1/2005 through

9/29/2005, and all subsequent

installments until the date of sale

or reinstatement. The principal

balance owing as of this date on

the obligation secured by said

Deed of Trust is $76,972.86, plus

accrued interest at the rate of 8%

per annum from 05/01/2005. All

delinquent amounts are now

due, together with accruing late

charges, and interest, unpaid

and ac-cruing taxes, assessments,

trustee's fees, attorney's

fees, and any amounts advanced

to protect the security associated

with this foreclosure and

that the beneficiary elects to sell

or cause the trust property to be

sold to satisfy said obligation. If

the Trustee is unable to convey

title for any reason, the successful

bidder's sole and exclusive

remedy shall be the return of

monies paid to the Trustee, and

the successful bidder shall have

no further recourse. Melmet

Default Services, Inc. 1820 E.

First Street, Suite 410, Santa

Ana, CA 92705-4063 Sale

Information Line: (714) 480-5690

Sale Information Web-site:

Reinstatement and Pay-Off

Requests: (714) 480-5472. THIS





Date: 9-30-05 First American

Title Insurance Company By:

Kathleen M. Mayerle, Asst Sec


Legal 7336

October 29, Nov. 5, Nov. 12, Nov.

19, 2005