Wednesday, December 18, 2024

If county can't fix roads, then leave them alone

| October 1, 2005 9:00 PM

Thanks, but no thanks, to the county road department! If you aren't going to pave North Boyer Road past the Bronx Cutoff Road, then please leave the oiled sections that we residents paid for alone!

For years, we residents out here have tried to get the county to pave or chip-seal our road. It has a good base and a lot of traffic, but we just get the run-around. About three years ago they re-graveled it with decomposed granite. This has a fine white dust that gets into and on everything. Our cars and house are constantly dusty. This dust is much worse than ordinary dust, and for anyone like me, who has allergies, it's a health problem. A lot of people drive fast out here, and huge clouds of dust roll back over residences for yards.

Now the county has added insult to injury. Every spring many of us along North Boyer Road pay good money to have sections of road oiled in front of our homes. It's not the perfect solution, but it helps a lot. Early in September the county sent a grader to tear up our oiled road sections, which by then were practically like pavement.

It took quite a few passes to get all that hard surfaces ripped out, and they left big rocks in the road. They could at least have waited till the rainy season.

To the county road department, I say, if you can't be part of the solution, don't be part of the problem.

