Wednesday, December 18, 2024


| April 25, 2006 9:00 PM








Sealed Bids will be received by the City Council of the City of Sandpoint at the office of the City Clerk located at 1123 W. Lake Street, Sandpoint, Idaho 83864, until 2:00 p.m., prevailing local time, on May 15, 2006, for the 2006 Wastewater Projects - CIPP Rehabilitation. Bids will then be publicly opened and read aloud in the City Conference Room. All interested individuals are welcome to attend.

The project consists of:

Base Bid: Cured-in-Place-Pipe rehabilitation of approximately 2,707 LF of 8-inch sanitary sewers, including cleaning, cutting off protruding taps, and reinstating laterals.

Additive Alternative No. 1: Cured-in-Place-Pipe rehabilitation of approximately 957 LF of 8-inch sanitary sewers, including cleaning, cutting off protruding taps, and reinstating laterals.

Additive Alternative No. 2: Fully reinstating two partially reinstated laterals that were not fully reinstated during previous CIPP projects.

Bid forms, bidder's instructions, specifications, and contract forms may be examined at the following locations:

?Sandpoint Public Works Office City of Sandpoint

1123 W. Lake Street

Sandpoint, Idaho


7825 Meadowlark Way

Coeur d'Alene, Idaho


General Contractors

E. 4935 Trent

Spokane, Washington


General Contractors

8884 N. Government Way

Hayden, Idaho

?Sandpoint Plan Center

100 Highway 95 North

Sandpoint, Idaho

Copies of the Contract Documents may be obtained at the Coeur d?Alene office of J-U-B ENGINEERS, Inc., 7825 Meadowlark Way, upon payment of Thirty Five Dollars ($35.00) for each set. The standard set of Contract Documents includes reduced (half-size) Drawings. Full-size Drawings may be obtained at J-U-B ENGINEERS, Inc. for an additional $3.00 per sheet. Payment is to be made to J-U-B ENGINEERS, Inc. and is non-refundable.

A Pre-Bid Meeting will be held at 10:00 a.m. on May 4, 2006, at the City Council Chambers.

All bids shall be presented or otherwise delivered to the City Clerk under seal with a concise statement marked on the outside thereof identified as "Bid Package City of Sandpoint, 2006 Wastewater Projects CIPP Rehabilitation."

All bids shall contain one of the following forms of bidder's security in an amount equal to 5% of the amount bid: a) Cash, b) Cashiers Check made payable to the City of Sandpoint, c) Certified Check made payable to the City of Sandpoint, or d) bidder's bond executed by a qualified Idaho Surety Company made payable to the City of Sandpoint. Bids will remain subject to acceptance for 35 days after bid opening.

Davis-Bacon Wage Rates will not be applicable to this project.

The Owner reserves the right to waive any informality or to reject any or all bids.

Dated this 20 day of April, 2006.

Kody VanDyk,

Public Works Director

Legal SNP# 7781

Apr. 25, May 2, 2006