The Department of Fish and Game was informed by the Bureau of Fisheries that there is a need to protect migrating adult kokanee from harvest and harassment in the Deadwood River from the IDFG kokanee trap to the slack water of Deadwood Reservoir. These fish are vital to the statewide fisheries needs.
Pursuant to his authority under Idaho Code Section 36, 106(e)6A, the Idaho of Fish and Game Director hereby closes fishing in the Deadwood River from a posted area 100 yards upstream if the fish trap and weir downstream to the slack water of Deadwood Reservoir beginning August 8, 2006. This closure will end October 22, 2006 at midnight, Mountain Daylight Time.
Copies of Order 06-33 are available at the Idaho Department of Fish and Game headquarters, 600 South Walnut, PO Box 25, Boise, Idaho 83707.
Dated this 4th day of August 2006.
Steven M. Huffaker, Director
Legal SNP# 8029
August 10, 11, 2006BONNER COUNTY
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
On Tuesday, June 20, 2006, the Board of Commissioners met for a regularly scheduled Business with Chairman Joseph E. Young and Commissioner Karl J. Dye present. Commissioner Phillips is absent.
The meeting was called to order by Chairman of the Board, Joseph E. Young
Chairman Young asked that discussion regarding the July 4, 2006 Business Meeting be placed under Miscellaneous Business because of it being a holiday. He would also like to move Lt. Kelly up on the agenda before starting the Department Updates.
Commissioner Dye moved to adopt the Order of the Agenda as amended and discussed. Chairman Young vacated the Chair and seconded. All in favor. The motion passed.
PUBLIC COMMENT *(see below)
Commissioner Dye reported on the Airport Advisory Board Meeting he attended the day before.
Sum? Reimbursement on appraisal for West Side
1) Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes for June 13, 2006
2) Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes for Planning & Zoning for January 18, 2006
The Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes for June 13, 2006 were tabled. Commissioner Dye moved to adopt the Consent Agenda with tabling the meeting minutes of June 13, 2006. Chairman Young vacated the Chair and seconded the motion. All in favor. The motion passed.
WATERWAYS ADVISORY BOARD- Approval of Grant Dollars for Marine Division Patrol Boat
Cary Kelly presented the $70,000.00 grant for a Marine Division Patrol Boat. The grant amount is for $56,000.00 and $14,000.00 is the match amount. Information will be sent out to local boat manufacturers to submit bids.
After discussion, Commissioner Dye moved that they approve the grant dollars for the Marine Division Patrol Boat as presented by Lt. Kelly in the amount of $56,000.00 from the State and
the 20% match of $14,000.00 from Bonner County. Chairman Young vacated the Chair and seconded. All in favor. The motion passed.
1) Updates on Staff, Projects and Departments
Leslie Marshall presented an update on staff, projects, and departments.
Clark Fork Transfer Site opened
2) Request for Solid Waste Waiver - Bonner County Fair
Commissioner Dye made a motion to grant the solid waste waiver request at the Bonner County Fair for the dates August 18-28, 2006 and authorize all parties involved to sign, as presented by Director Marshall. Chairman Young vacated the Chair and seconded. All in favor. The motion passed.
3) Award of Eurasian Watermilfoil Control Program Funds - Signature of Commissioners
and County Clerk.
After discussion, Commissioner Dye moved to accept the grant award from the State of Idaho, Department of Agriculture in the amount of $1,556,723.00 and authorize the Chair to sign and move forward. Commissioner Young vacated the Chair and seconded. All in favor. The motion passed.
ROAD & BRIDGE - Chuck Spickelmire
1) Updates on Staff, Road Districts and Projects
Director Spickelmire presented an update on staff, roads districts, and projects.
1) Updates on Staff, Calls, Permits and Application
Sum? Scheduling P & Z with BOE
2) Final Plat Approval, Weatherly Lot, File #SS1247-05
Commissioner Dye moved to approve the final plat approval of Weatherly Lot, File #SS1247-05 and authorize the Chair to sign. Commissioner Young vacated the Chair and seconded. All in favor. The motion passed.
3) Final Plat Approval, Replat of Lot 12, Muskrat Lake Subdivision, File #SS1297-05
Commissioner Dye moved to approve the final plat approval, replat of Lot 12, Muskrat Lake Subdivision, File #SS1297-05 and authorize the Chair to sign. Commissioner Young vacated the Chair and seconded. All in favor. The motion passed.
4) Final Plat Approval, Rocky Acres, File #SS1225-05
Sum ?The name on this Plat has been changed to Jordan's Mountain Vista
Commissioner Dye moved to approve the final plat approval of Jordan's Mountain Vista, File #SS1225-05 and authorize the Chair to sign. Commissioner Young vacated the Chair and seconded. All in favor. The motion passed.
5) Final Plat Approval, Match Bay, File #S1091-04
Commissioner Dye moved to approve the final plat approval of Match Bay, File #S1091-04 and authorize the Chair to sign. Commissioner Young vacated the Chair and seconded. All in favor. The motion passed.
6) Approval of Order Vacating Kema Road, File #VS1367-06 - Resolution
After discussion, Commissioner Dye moved to approve new Resolution #06-46, vacating Kema Road, File #VS1367-06 as discussed today. Commissioner Young vacated the Chair and seconded. All in favor. The motion passed.
7) Approval of Developers' Agreement, Peak Zone Change File #ZC321-05
After discussion, Commissioner Dye moved to approve the Developers' Agreement for Conditional Zone Change to Industrial on behalf of Lawrence and Patricia Peak, Zone Change File #ZC321-05 and grant that the Chair sign for the Board administratively when we receive signatures from Mr. & Mrs. Peak. Commissioner Young vacated the Chair and seconded. All in favor. The motion passed.
8) Approval of Developers' Agreement, CDS Stoneridge Plats, File #SM921-06
Commissioner Dye moved to approve the Developers' Agreement for CDS Stoneridge Plats, File #SM921-06, for transportation improvements on public roads outside Stoneridge Community, as presented by Director Marley and Director Spickelmire and authorize the Chair to sign. Commissioner Young vacated the Chair and seconded. All in favor. The motion passed.
1) Approval of Claims for Batch #16
General Fund 64195.57
Road & Bridge 152773.33
Airport 322.3
Drug Court 169.2
District Court 26749.49
911 Fund 1156.46
Indigent & Charity 5963.49
Revaluation 2273.35
Solid Waste 258749.73
Weeds 10211.88
Parks & Recs 2167.79
Highway, Special State 223.29
Justice Fund 39872.01
Waterways 9537.48
Jail Construction 389.54
Grants 7552.97
Ambulance District 14002.51
Commissioner Dye made a motion to approve the claims and authorize payment for Batch #16. Commissioner Young vacated the Chair and seconded. All in favor. The motion passed.
2) Discussion/Decision- Extension of Board of Equalization to July 17, 2006 and an Extension for the Assessor's Office.
Sum? Draft letter to State Tax Commission asking for extension of BOE to July 17, 2006.
Sum?Extension for Assessor's Office will not be granted by the State Tax Commission
Commissioner Dye moved to write the letter as well as make a phone call to the State Tax Commission extending the BOE to July 17, 2006. Commissioner Young vacated the Chair and seconded. All in favor. The motion passed.
3) Discussion/Decision - Letter to Governor Risch Supporting a Summer Legislative Session
Sum ?Draft of letter to Governor
Sum ?Remove Maintenance and Operations from County system and go to Sales Tax
Sum ?Capping or freezing property values
Sum ?Impact Fees
Commissioner Dye moved that they continue to work on the language of the draft of the letter they are working on for Governor Risch. Language needs to support a Summer Legislative Session and also
moving forward with some kind of cap or freezing of property values as a longer term solution. When the letter is drafted, they will sign and send it to the Governor. Chairman Young vacated the Chair and seconded the motion. All in favor. The motion passed.
4) July 4, 2006 Business Meeting
Chairman Young announced that because of the 4th of July holiday; the Business Meeting for next week will be cancelled. An announcement will be sent to all Department Heads announcing this and if there is business that needs to be handled, they can contact us and we will handle it the week before. The Commissioners will be involved with BOE's all week as well.
Commissioner Dye made a motion to cancel the Business Meeting of July 4, 2006 and take the action that was just discussed. Chairman Young vacated the Chair and seconded. All in favor. The motion passed.
1) Update on Staff, Departments, Calls and Projects
Bob Howard presented an update on staff, departments, calls and projects.
Sum ?Met with the Sheriff and Chief of Police groups regarding the 2005 Law Enforcement Terrorism Planning Prevention Homeland Security Funds
Sum ?Aug 3 there will be a EOC training (4 hour class)
Sum ?EMS still under budget
Commissioner Dye made a motion to move into Executive Session with Bob Howard under Idaho Code S67-2345S (B) regarding Personnel Matters. Chairman Young vacated the Chair and seconded. All in favor. The motion passed.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. The next Board of Commissioners Meeting will be Tuesday, June 27, 2006, in the County Courthouse.
Joseph E. Young, Chairman
ATTEST: Marie Scott
By: Pamela J. Vasquez, Deputy Clerk
Legal SNP# 8024
August 10, 2006