Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Rambling attack omits several significant points

| August 16, 2006 9:00 PM

Will Webb's rambling attack (guest opinion, Aug. 15) on the City Council in general and council people (politically correct enough?) Helen Newton and Michael Boge omits (most likely intentionally) two significant points:

1. Councilwoman Helen Newton apologized to Mr. Webb after she stated, and the city attorney confirmed, that she had been lead to believe that she was not to reply to Mr. Webb. Following are excerpts from the minutes of the July council meeting.

"He (city attorney Will Herrington) simply stated that his advice was that she (Newton) was not required to answer and noted that contacts from this property owner was entrapment for the council to take a particular stance."

2. Since the July council meeting, Mr. Webb has not responded to phone messages from Councilwoman Newton asking him to contact her.

Perhaps he would rather complain than have his answers.

