Find time for health during hectic school days ahead
Much to the chagrin of kids all over the United States, the first day of school is just around the corner. Right now, parents and kids are gearing up for another year of homework, tests, fashion and friends. But how much thought have you put into your kids' health?
In the hustle and bustle of the "school daze" ahead, we're often too busy to pay too much attention to our kids' nutrition and activity needs. But according to the American Academy of Pediatrics, the rate of childhood obesity has never been higher. Though the statistics are scary, parents can help by planning a few extra minutes out of each day for the health of their kids.
Meal planning for a family takes a lot of work. During the busy school year, planning nutritious meals may fall lower on the priority list. Parents may be thankful for the break offered by school lunches that can be purchased in the cafeteria.
However, the best option may still be a homemade lunch. Only then will parents know for sure what their child is eating at lunchtime. After all, there are very few kids who would select an apple over a vending machine treat, if given the choice.
When packing your kids' lunch, try to keep both health and convenience in mind. A smart and quick example of a healthy lunch might include a turkey, cream cheese and tomato wrap, low fat yogurt, an apple and a bottle of water. This example includes protein, fiber, taste and, importantly, hydration.
Don't forget to include your child in the choices for their lunch selection. Talk to them. Ask them what they might like to eat (within reason) and also ask how they feel throughout the day. Do they get hungry again right after lunch? Are they thirsty during recess? If so, they might need an extra snack or water bottle to help them get through the day.
Lack of physical activity is one of the major contributing factors in what's becoming known as the childhood obesity epidemic. Kids get rides to and from school, either from their parents or on the bus. When they get home, they sit and do homework or watch TV until bedtime. Kids thrive on activity, but if they're not getting the opportunity, then they're not getting the benefits.
Walking to and from school with your kids is a great way for both of you to fit some exercise into the day. It may take an extra 15 minutes out of your morning routine, but the benefits are worth it.
For many parents and kids in our area, however, walking to school just isn't an option. Families may live too far away from town, or time constraints might be too great for working parents. In this case, try to take a few minutes after school and work to play outside with your kid, no matter what their age bracket. Go for a walk, a short hike, or go for a family bike ride. Not only will you both be getting needed exercise, you'll have a chance to reconnect after a busy day.
Of course, one of the best ways to ensure your kids lead a healthy lifestyle is for you to set a good example. If healthy eating and regular exercise are a priority in your life, then chances are your kids will learn to live this way, too.