Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Unit development provisions

by R.J. Cohn
| December 25, 2006 8:00 PM

Staff writer

SANDPOINT — A quarter century after the city first adopted its planned unit development provisions long overdue changes to those provisions have finally been adopted.

Acting on the planning commission's recommendation, City Council approved an ordinance revising the city's PUD provisions in a 4-2 vote, with councilman Michael Boge and councilwoman Helen Newton opposing the measure.

In the wake of anticipated housing developments the city could see over the next several years, the new ordinance couldn't come at a more critical time. There are now 12 developments which have recently been approved as PUDs.

It marks the first time since 1981 that any modifications to the PUD provisions have been made.

While he Seasons at Sandpoint PUD was the first project developed under the provisions in 2001, the new ordinance targets provisions for potential affordable housing projects developers may opt to build.

The amendments are expected to clarify application requirements and will relocate the PUD provisions from the zoning to the land division chapter.

"We have tried to make it clear that the PUDs are discretionary," city planner Will Herrington told the council.

Some of the amendments call for limiting PUDs seeking multi-family residential buildings to six units in any one building and would not be allowed in the city's Residence "A" and "B" zones.

Another amendment authorizes the commission to increase residential density based on single-family lot sizes for a zone up to 40 percent of the allowable number of units.

Additionally, character, identity, architectural and affordable housing provisions incorporated in a development are also considered cause for density increases.

"The PUD process allows increased density, and a 10 percent additional density bonus for affordable housing projects," said Herrington.