Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Home is only worth what it cost to build

| June 12, 2006 9:00 PM

I cannot believe the assessor's office can reevaluate my home without even looking at it. I refuse the explanation of "current market value."

My home is worth exactly what I paid to build it. I built it to live in. Not to turn around and sell it and move on. I bought ,built and live here for many reasons. I'm of modest means. I work hard to support my family. At this rate I will have to sell and move to somewhere I can afford. Were I to sell, a re-evaluation would be in order, based on the value of the home and property , not based on what the "guy down the road's" house sold for or some mystical figure.

Who do we have to talk with to get these assessments were they should be? The state says it's a local issue and the locals say their hands are tied and it's a state problem. Pass the buck. No one seems to be interested at the assessor's office — of course, they are kind of busy with a revolt right now. The current county administration needs to be swept out of office as well as the assessor. This debacle will be their legacy. I've never written a letter like this before, however , every official I vote for is going to hear from me.

