Time for action, not talk, on the growing milfoil problem
How long are we going to wait?
With each day, there is more and more milfoil in the lake — and, unfortunately, it isn't going anywhere on its own. There is no magic button to push that will make it go away.
The longer we wait, the bigger the problem.
We need to do something and do something about it now.
Not in six months. Not in a year. Not in the unknown future when technology/inventions come about that vaporize the milfoil without harming man, fish or fowl.
Do I like the idea of chemicals? Not really. I like things as natural as possible — to a point.
I wouldn't refuse antibiotics to get rid of strep throat, for example, just because the prescription might be for a synthetic antibiotic instead of a "natural" one.
As long as I feel better and it doesn't hurt to swallow any more, I'm good.
The county had hoped to begin treating milfoil infestations on Lake Pend Oreille and the Pend Oreille River this month.
However, it didn't receive written approval from the Department of Environmental Quality until late last week. As a result, it couldn't begin the public notification process.
We need to attack this problem now — and, according to those with the experience, knowledge and scientific backgrounds, 2,4-D or Sonar is likely our best bet.
Would we rather keep talking or do we want to wait until next year, hope things change, and run the risk of a young child drowning because they got caught in a milfoil patch while swimming during a family camping trip?
Your call.
Caroline Lobsinger is the managing editor of the Bonner County Daily Bee.