Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Board's decision protects SHS students' civil rights

| March 1, 2006 8:00 PM

Once again, our elected trustees at Lake Pend Oreille School District have made a tough decision, based on the best values.

In deciding not to block an administrative position granting a new student club (the Gay-Straight Alliance Club), the privilege of meeting after school, the board supported one of our most important civil rights — freedom of assembly. That right is as basic in American life as free speech, freedom of religion and other pillars in the Bill of Rights. Not only need we be on guard that human rights be observed in adult society; we need to sew its seeds early in a young life. Our schools are the proper location and the effective atmosphere for learning civil rights and responsibilities. How can we expect students to assume the awesome lessons of citizenship without a place to practice? Thank you, board members, for a mature and responsible decision.

