Wednesday, December 18, 2024

District must stop plans to run another school levy

| March 29, 2006 8:00 PM

Reading "Survey says no new taxes" in Bonner County Daily Bee (March 18, 2006) and "No levy for Lake Pend Oreille in another publication the following thoughts came about.

The fact that the board had a 200-person survey to test the water for a possible levy tells me they were looking for their right answer rather than accepting the answer already known. The survey gave them misguided facts on which they base their thoughts leading them to the Dr. Pierce (recreation district) premise that we are an ill-informed public.

Superintendent Mark Berryhill further hailed insult by mentioning the needs of his biggest child (Sandpoint) rather talking about his 11 children and the holes in their britches.

There's been a long-term dilemma with the Lake Pend Oreille School District that started before Mr. Berryhill or the trustees held office. Because the district is stooped in protocol it won't be addressed and voters like myself will be tagged things other than nice.

The idea of centralization can leave a small community with a feeling of being raped and pillaged. That happened with both the library and school system in this community of around 500. Although not intended this child has been abused, and because everyone is following the book they can't understand what is happening. The damage may be irreversible.

The uphill trek of the school district becomes impossible as the public's budget gets tighter and thoughts of abuse remain.


Clark Fork