Wednesday, December 18, 2024


| October 12, 2006 9:00 PM

Tuesday, August 29, 2006


On Tuesday, August 29, 2006, the Board of Commissioners met for a regularly scheduled Business Meeting with Chairman Joseph E. Young and Commissioner Karl J. Dye present and Commissioner Marcia L. Phillips arriving 5 minutes later.



The Board discussed moving Emergency Management to 2:30 this afternoon because Director Bob Howard has requested an Executive Session. They would also like to add discussion/decision regarding a letter to the Governor and legislators to Miscellaneous Items.

Commissioner Dye moved to adopt the Order of the Agenda as discussed. Chairman Young vacated the Chair and seconded. All in favor. The motion passed.


A group of Boy Scouts were attending the meeting and were recognized by the board. Commissioner Dye explained the meeting process to their group.


Commissioner Dye presented an update on the Makers Meeting that was held on Monday, August 28, 2006. Some of the following items were covered at the meeting:

? Sub-Divisions

? Set-Backs

? Wetlands

? Incentives

? Cottage Concept

? Rewriting the Land Use Laws


1) Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes for 8/22/06 & Emergency Meeting of 8/24/2006.

The items on the Consent Agenda were tabled, as they were not complete at the time of this meeting.

Commissioner Dye moved to table the Consent Agenda items listed. Chairman Young vacated the Chair and seconded. All in favor. The motion passed.


1) Updates on Staff, Projects and Departments

Director Leslie Marshall presented an update on staff, projects and departments.

? Blue Lake Grange property was inspected

? Milfoil treatment is complete and tour will be taken on Thursday to see how treated areas look

? Nav light complaint was discussed with the Coast Guard

ROAD & BRIDGE - Chuck Spickelmire

1) Updates on Staff, Road Districts and Projects

Director Leslie Marshall presented an update on staff, road districts and projects.

Director Leslie Marshall explained the milfoil treatment process with the Boy Scouts that were visiting and working on their merit badges.


1) Updates on Staff, Calls, Permits and Applications

Director Clare Marley presented an update on staff, calls, permits and applications.

Makers will meet on September 25 for the full day and then with the business community from 6-9 PM in Sandpoint and there will be another meeting in Priest River on September 26. If Makers cannot come to that meeting, Clare will have her staff host the meeting in Priest River.

? Concern regarding the west side and we need to make sure that there is a meeting scheduled there.

Other items discussed were:

? Flood plane rating system

? Tracking of building permits

? Continual testing of dam emergency systems

? ACI's - Bryan Quayle was available for discussion on this topic.

2) Final Plat Approval of Down River Estates, File #SS1100-04

This was a previously tabled plat awaiting information on the drainage system and whether it was a community drain field or community drain easement, by the Panhandle Health District. Ray Mercer was available for discussion regarding this plat. After discussion, the commissioners were satisfied with the paperwork turned in and the clarification from Mr. Mercer and Director Marley.

Commissioner Dye moved to approve the final plat of Down River Estates, File # SS1100-04, based on the testimony provided and authorize the Chair to sign. Commissioner Phillips seconded. All in favor. The motion passed.

3) Final Plat Approval of Trout Creek, File #SS1145-04

There was a concern with this plat regarding ITD's approach and Mr. Oliver, a landowner, the joiner, feeling affected by the right of way. Mr. Dan Provolt, the project surveyor was available for discussion regarding this issue. Mr. Provolt feels that Mr. Oliver does have full and total access to the property. If Mr. Oliver wants to pursue this issue regarding his access with his trucks then ITD needs to have him contact them. Mr. Provolt will have a conversation with both parties and see if they can come to an agreement on the access issue. Mr. Provolt provided pictures that showed the approach for Mr. Oliver.

After much discussion, Commissioner Phillips moved to approve the final plat approval of Trout Creek, File #SS1145-04 and authorize the Chair to sign. Commissioner Dye seconded. All in favor. The motion passed.

4) Final Plat Approval of Sauer's Acres, File #SS1083-04

Bryan Quayle was present to clarify any questions regarding this plat. There was originally a question regarding the inclusion of the right of way and the deed by Director Marley. The deed was secured and Mr. Quayle has confirmed that the land has no liens on the property. All other conditions have been met.

Commissioner Phillips moved to approve the final plat approval of Sauer's Acres, File #SS1083-04 and authorize the Chair to sign. Commissioner Dye seconded. All in favor. The motion passed.

5) Final Plat Approval of Saddleback, File #S1330-06

Commissioner Dye moved to grant final approval of the final plat on Saddleback, File #1330-06 and authorize the Chair to sign. Commissioner Phillips seconded. All in favor. The motion passed.

Commissioner Dye moved to adjourn for a five-minute recess. Commissioner Phillips seconded. All in favor. The motion passed.

Chairman Young called the meeting back to order at 10:50 AM.


1) Contract Regarding Juveniles Housed in Detention Center from Boundary County

Director Stallcup presented the contract, which is the same as last year.

Commission Dye moved to approve the contract to house juveniles from Boundary County noting that it is the same contract as last year. Chairman Young vacated the Chair and seconded. All in favor. The motion passed.

2) Computer Grant

Director Stallcup applied for a $1250.00 grant to use for a computer that would be housed in Priest River at the Police Department where her office staff can work, when they go to Priest River. There is a 10% match that the county would be responsible for, which is approximately $104.00. There is enough in her budget to do this.

Commissioner Phillips moved to approve the request for the computer grant Director Stallcup applied for. Commissioner Dye seconded. All in favor. The motion passed.

Discussion regarding the Spillman software and receiving access to it


Commissioner Phillips moved to go into Executive Session under Idaho Code S67-2345S (B) regarding Personnel Matters with the full Board, Director Stallcup and Jim Martin.

Roll Call:

Commissioner Phillips Aye

Commissioner Young Aye

Commissioner Dye Aye

Commissioner Phillips moved to adjourn from the Executive Session as well as recess from the regular business meeting at 11:40AM. Commissioner Dye seconded. All in favor. The motion passed.

Chairman Joseph E. Young called the Board of Commissioners Meeting back to order at 1:33PM. Chairman Young requested that the miscellaneous items be discussed before the Emergency Management update.


Esther Gilchrist spoke during public comment and presented an agenda for the Bonner County Council on Aging meeting.


1) Order of Annexation of Westside Fire District

After discussion and review of the map and information provided for fire protection by the Westside Fire District, Commissioner Phillips moved to approve the request for the Order of Annexation of Westside Fire District. Commissioner Dye seconded. All in favor. The motion passed.

2) STERI- SAFE Service Agreement for Bonner County Evidence Room

Commissioner Phillips made a motion to approve the STERI-SAFE service agreement, which is the same as last year's agreement. Commissioner Dye seconded. All in favor. The motion passed.

3) Approval for Claims Batch #21

General Fund 44957.21

Road & Bridge 110375.55

Airport 308.54

Drug Court 94.28

District Court 41814.17

Fair County 20000

911 Fund 24306.33

Indigent & Charity 7009.45

Revaluation 145

Solid Waste 278.26

Parks & Recs 18.68

Justice Fund 25676.06

Snowmobile 21.52

Grants 16098.02

Ambulance District 35773.51

After review of the claims presented, Commissioner Dye moved to approve the payment of said claims in batch #21. Commissioner Phillips seconded. All in favor. The motion passed.

4) Sandpoint Airport Advisory Board -Action Request

1. Approval of ASMI Maintenance Service Agreement - Terry McConnaughey

The ASMI service agreement is $1800.00 per month, which is a $50.00 increase from last year. After discussion, Commissioner Phillips made a motion to approve the ASMI Maintenance Service Agreement for the Sandpoint Airport. After further discussion, Commissioner Dye seconded. All in favor. The motion passed.

5. Approval of Sandpoint Airport AWOS Project

Mr. McConnaughey presented information regarding the AWOS project AIP Award 3-16-0033-011 from the FAA totaling $244,870.00. These funds will be used to move the AWOS system to a better location. There is a small, in kind match that will have to be covered, but Mr. McConnaughey has been assured this has been planned for in the budget.

Commissioner Dye moved to approve the Sandpoint Airport AWOS project AIP Award 3-16-0033-011 for $244,870.00, as proposed by the Sandpoint Airport Advisory Board Committee. Commissioner Phillips seconded. All in favor. The motion passed.

6. Approval of One-Year Lease Extension for Sandpoint Aviation Services

There was discussion regarding the one-year extension of the manager, Mr. Jorge O'Leary's position, for one year, which ends on September 30, 2006. Some items discussed were:

? Fuel costs

? Fence agreements

? Growth of airport

? Leases/Revenue

? Reductions of tax dollars

After discussion with Mr. McConnaughey, Mr. O'Leary and attorney John Topp, Commissioner Phillips moved to approve the recommended actions regarding the one-year lease extension for Sandpoint Aviation Services. Commissioner Dye seconded. All in favor. The motion passed.

7. Discussion regarding sending letter to the Governor and Legislators in support of their action regarding maintenance and operation. A letter will be sent from this office thanking them for their support of this action.

8. Public Defenders Office - Firey Case Treasury Appropriation

After discussion with attorney Mr. Topp and reviewing the information provided, Commissioner Phillips moved to approve Resolution #06-62 for Treasury Appropriation for the Public Defenders budget of $9,021.37, which will close out the expenses in the Firey case. Commissioner Dye seconded. All in favor. The motion passed.


1) Update on Staff, Departments, Calls and Projects

Bob Howard presented an update on staff, departments, calls and projects.

? Joe Uzeta presented an update on the billing procedures for EMS

? Report is being done on the number of calls for the service provider areas

? Birthday at EMS for kids

Commissioner Phillips moved to enter into Executive Session with the full board present, Mr. John Topp, Director Bob Howard and Director Clare Marley under Idaho Code S67-2345S (B) (C) concerning Personnel and Real Property. Commissioner Dye seconded. All in favor. The motion passed.

Roll Call: Commissioner Young Aye

Commissioner Phillips Aye

Commissioner Dye Aye

At 4:20PM, the board moved out of Executive Session.

There being no further business, Commissioner Phillips moved to adjourn both the Executive Session as well as the Business Meeting for the day. Commissioner Dye seconded. All in favor. The motion passed. The next Board of Commissioners Meeting will be Tuesday, September 5, 2006 in the County Courthouse.

Joseph E. Young, Chairman

ATTEST: Marie Scott

By: Pamela J. Vasquez, Deputy Clerk

Legal SNP# 8192

October 12, 2006


Tuesday, September 12, 2006


On Tuesday, September 12, 2006, Chairman Joseph E. Young called the Board of Commissioners' Business Meeting to order at 8:50 AM with the full board present.



Commissioner Phillips made the motion to approve the agenda as presented. Commissioner Dye seconded. All in favor. The motion passed.


There were no public comments in the morning session


1) Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes for 8/22/06 and 8/29/06.

2) Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes for Planning & Zoning for 5/3/06, 5/10/06, 5/17/06, 5/24/06 and Special Meeting Minutes of 8/28/06.

The BOCC minutes of 8/29/06 and Planning and Zoning Meeting Minutes were not available at the time of the meeting, so were tabled for this meeting.

Commissioner Phillips moved to approve the Consent Agenda with the changes noted. Commissioner Dye seconded. All in favor. The motion passed.


1) Updates on Staff, Projects and Departments

Director Marshall presented an update regarding staff, projects and departments.

An update was given to the board regarding the navigation lights and concern regarding the complaint received about the tower and light put in the area of their home. The Coast Guard has been involved and all interested parties have been part of the discussions.

Discussion regarding the boat launch enhancement, which is happening on the river. This is to add to the existing facility so it may be used year round.

ROAD & BRIDGE - Chuck Spickelmire

1) Updates on Staff, Road Districts and Projects

Director Leslie Marshall presented an update on staff, road districts and projects.


1) Courier Service Agreement with Panhandle State Bank and Bonner County

Treasurer Cheryl Piehl presented information regarding the courier services Panhandle State Bank will be providing.

Commissioner Phillips moved to approve the Courier Service Agreement with Panhandle State Bank which attorney John Topp has reviewed. Commissioner Dye seconded. All in favor. The motion passed.

Commissioner Dye moved to recess for 5 minutes. Commissioner Phillips seconded. All in favor. The motion passed.

Commissioner Young called the meeting back to order at 9:20 AM.


1) Updates on Staff, Calls, Permits and Applications

Director Marley shared that Makers will be available for the Priest River meeting on Tuesday, September 26th from 6-9pm at the Jr. High School to discuss the Title 12 rewrite. They will be in Sandpoint on Monday, September 25 in the evening for community members and all day on Tuesday, the 26th.

2) Approval of Final Plat, Bright Sky, File # SS1314-05

Commissioner Phillips moved to remove this plat, Bright Sky, from the agenda until the complete documentation is available. Commissioner Dye seconded. All in favor. The motion passed.

3) Request for Surety Agreement Approval, Final Plat Approval for TLC Tracts, File #SS1300-05.

The bond was supposed to be here for signature at 10:00AM by the Clarks. While waiting for the Clarks, discussion occurred with the commissioners regarding the surety agreement.

Commissioner Dye moved to go into Executive Session under Idaho Code S67-2345S (B) regarding Personnel, with the full board, Director Marley and Lisa Alport present. Roll call:

Commissioner Young Aye

Commissioner Dye Aye

Commissioner Phillips Aye

After the conclusion of the Executive Session at 9:47AM, Commissioner Dye moved to enter back into the regular business meeting. Commissioner Phillips seconded. All in favor. The motion passed.

The landowners, Mr. and Mrs. Clark were present with the notarized CBIC bond and Director Marley along with Dan Provolt reviewed the paperwork.

After discussion, Commissioner Dye moved to grant approval for the Surety Agreement for TLC Tracts. Commissioner Phillips seconded. All in favor. The motion passed. Commissioner Dye moved to approve the final plat approval of TLC Tracts, file #SS1300-05 and authorize the Chair to sign. Commissioner Phillips seconded. All in favor. The motion passed.

Commissioner Dye moved to adjourn the meeting until 1:30PM. Commissioner Phillips seconded. All in favor. The motion passed.


There was no public comment for the afternoon session.


1) Update on Staff, Departments, Calls and Projects

Tony Shope presented an up update on staff, departments, calls and projects.

? EMS will be hosting an Open House on Oct. 4

? Operation - We Remember for a Unit in Iraq

? Adopt a family

2) Amended Contract between Panhandle Area Council and Bonner County - Janice Goonan

Janice Goonan presented the amended grant with amendment # 3 from Panhandle Area Council for $20,000.00.

Commissioner Phillips moved to approve to the amended grant with amendment #3 between Panhandle Area Council and Bonner County. Commissioner Dye seconded the motion. All in favor. The motion passed.

Ms. Goonan also shared the new signs that will be posted in areas that have been treated by BONFire.


1) Contract with Computer Arts, Inc.

A. Software and Service Selection - Addendum A for fiscal year 2006-2007

B. Personal Computer/Network Agreement- Guaranteed Hours- Addendum A

Commissioner Phillips moved to approve Addendum A for fiscal year 2006-2007 and the Personal Computer/Network Agreement- Guaranteed Hours-Addendum A. Commissioner Dye seconded the motion. All in favor. The motion passed.

2) Approval for Claims for Batch # 22

General Fund 45429.19

Road & Bridge 92009.86

Airport 2234.32

District Court 9449.93

Fair County 33.83

911 Fund 8480.92

Indigent & Charity 18352.79

Revaluation 2910.17

Solid Waste 11162.43

Weeds 20702.78

Parks & Recs 331.4

Justice Fund 116370.9

Snowmobile 10.44

Waterways 3568.13

Jail Construction 102.65

Grants 700602.7

Ambulance District 20709.27

Auditors Trust 61105.34

Commissioner Dye moved to approve the claims for batch #22 as presented. Commissioner Phillips seconded. All in favor. The motion passed.


1) Priest River Airport - Discussion

? Survey

Discussion regarding information, which was provided by the Priest River Airport Board. Chairman Young will be attending the Priest River Airport Board meeting this evening and will gather more information for clarification

2) Priest River Ambulance Building - Discussion

? Water and Sewer

Discussion in regards to the water and sewer line and in reference to the cost of the new building. Chairman Young will pursue this and get more clarification to bring forward to the board.

3) County Fair Fund Treasury Appropriation Resolution

Commissioner Dye moved to adopt Resolution #06-63, the County Fair Fund Treasury Appropriation, to cover the salaries paid for the additional staffing during the Fair. Commissioner Phillips seconded. All in favor. The motion passed.

There being no further business, Commissioner Phillips moved to adjourn the business meeting. Commissioner Dye seconded. All in favor. The motion passed.

Joseph E. Young, Chairman

ATTEST: Marie Scott

By: Pamela J. Vasquez, Deputy Clerk

Legal SNP# 8193

October 12, 2006 LEGAL NOTICE

The following application(s) have been filed to appropriate the public waters of the State of Idaho:





Point(s) of Diversion NESW S17 T59N R01E BONNER County


Use: IRRIGATION 04/01 To 10/31 0.06 CFS

Use: POWER 01/01 To 12/31 0.09 CFS

Total Diversion: 0.15 CFS

Date Filed: 09/13/2006

Place Of Use: POWER T59N R01E S17 NESW


Number of Acres 2





Point(s) of Diversion L2 (NESE) S2 T56N R01E BONNER County


Use: DOMESTIC 01/01 To 12/31 0.04 CFS

Total Diversion: 0.04 CFS

Date Filed: 09/18/2006

Place Of Use: DOMESTIC - T56N R01E S2 NESE Lot 2

Remark: Domestic use is for 1 home.

Permits will be subject to all prior water rights. Protests may be submitted based on the criteria of Sec 42-203A, Idaho Code.

Any protest against the approval of this application must be filed with the Director, Dept. of Water Resource, Northern Region, 7600 Mineral Drive, Suite 100, Coeur D' Alene ID 83815 together with a protest fee of $25.00 for each application on or before 10/23/2006. The protestant must also send a copy of the protest to the applicant.


Legal SNP#8165

October 5, 12, 2006LEGAL NOTICE

The Idaho Horse Board will conduct a referendum to determine whether the mandatory assessment to fund the Horse Board shall be raised from one dollar ($1.00) to three dollars ($3.00). Voting on this referendum will begin October 30, 2006 and end at midnight on November 28, 2006. Ballots must be completed and post marked no later than midnight November 28, 2006 in order to be counted.

Horse owners who have had a horse brand inspected between October 29, 2005 and October 29, 2006, and horse owners who have a lifetime brand inspection that was issued after July 1, 2004, are eligible to vote. Eligible owners must request a ballot from the Board. Ballot request must include owner's name, address, and a copy of the brand inspection or the date and number of the inspection. Ballot requests must be submitted to the Board no later than October 30, 2006.

Ballot request should be mailed to the Idaho Horse Board 803 Canyon Road, Hailey, ID 83333. Ballot request may be faxed to the Board at 208-788-1578.

Legal SNP# 8155

Sept. 28, Oct. 5, 12, 19, 2006

Case No. CV-2006-01655


A Petition to change the name of Monica L Link, born May 22, 1971, in Oak Harbor, Washington, residing at 3940 Cavanaugh Bay Road, Coolin, has been filed in Bonner County District Court, Idaho. The name will change to Monica L Medhus, I want to change my name because I divorced my spouse.

The petitioner's father is living and his address is u/k Edingburg, Texas 00000.

The petitioner's mother is living and her address is 110 E Evergreen Drive Kalispell, Montana 59901.

A hearing on the petition is scheduled for 9:15 o'clock a.m. on Nov. 6, 2006, at the County Courthouse before the Honorable Judge Heise. Objections may be filed by any person who can show the Court a good reason against the name change.

Date: Sept. 22, 2006.

By: Jody Moreland

Deputy Clerk

Legal SNP# 8154

Sept. 28, Oct. 5, 12, 19, 2006


Pursuant to Section 58-104(g) and 58-1301, et seq., Idaho Code (The Lake Protection Act) and rules of the State Board of Land Commissioners, notice is hereby given that Catherine Miller acting as agent for five Sandpiper Shores deeded lot owners of Sandpiper Shores Rd., Coolin, ID 83821 has made application for a joint permit to construct five concrete retaining walls adjacent to the canal at Sandpiper Shores. The retaining walls including footings will be approximately 6.5 feet high of which 3.5 feet will project above the canal's bottom. Average length of each wall is 130 feet. Located on Priest Lake, adjacent to: Deeded lots 11, 13, 14, 15 and 27, Parcel Numbers RP003880000110A, 130A, 140A, 150A AND 270A, Section 10, Township 62 North, Range 4 West, B.M., in Bonner County.

Written objections to or requests for hearing in this matter must be on file with the Idaho Department of Lands, 4053 Cavanaugh Bay Rd, Coolin, Idaho 83821 within thirty (30) days after the first appearance of this notice. Specific information regarding this application may be obtained from the Director, Department of Lands.


Idaho Department of Lands

Legal SNP# 8191

October 12, 19, 2006