Performance counts and there's no free lunch
As an observer of Idaho politics for 30 years, I would like to comment on the current scene.
A fact of political life is that in a legislature where the dominant party has a super majority, a minority candidate has little or no impact They don't participate in the all-important party causes that determines when and where the legislature is going. To be heard, the minority candidate has to have a loud voice and a message with universal appeal. Being a nice guy or endorsed by your mother doesn't mean a thing. The name of the game is getting something done for your constituents. If you don't stand a prayer, stay home and save us taxpayers the expense of paying for a 90-day vacation in Boise.
Those upset with the recent action taken by the Legislature regarding our taxes and increase in the sales tax need to realize that property taxes rely on a tax base. In most communities industry provides that base. What industry we had in Bonner County has been diminished by the environmental movement and Canadian lumber exports. Agriculture is on the decline as the land seems to have more value as housing sites. On the rise is tourism. The only way their presence is going to offset what we don't do anymore is via the sales tax. In my opinion that increase was the way to go although closing a few loopholes would have helped the cause.
If North Idaho is going to be known as a place for fun in the sun/snow with increasing traffic, more people and kids government is going to grow. In the absence of an industrial base that produces something those pension checks and minimum wage incomes are going to get smaller with each passing day. Remember there is no free lunch and its performance that counts.