Wednesday, December 18, 2024


| October 25, 2006 9:00 PM

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That the Spirit Lake Fire Protection District will be conducting an Election for the following purpose: Fire Commissioner, Position #3 to be held on Tuesday, the 7th day of November, 2006, on which day Polls will be open from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the following designated Polling Places:

1.Edgemere, Idaho, Edgemere Grange Hall, Bandy Rd.

2.Blanchard, Idaho, Blanchard Community Hall, Blanchard, Idaho

3.Spirit Lake, Idaho Spirit Lake Community Center, Spirit Lake, Idaho

Signed: Tammy Sparkman, Secretary/Treasurer

Legal SNP# 8226

October 27, 2006


T.S. No.: ID-92015-C

Loan No.: 0654732274

A.P.N.R P56N02W095700A

Notice is hereby given that, Fidelity National Title Insurance Company the duly appointed Successor Trustee, will on 12/26/2006 at 11:00 AM (recognized local time), At the Main Entrance to Alliance Title & Escrow Corp., 105 Pine Street, Sandpoint, Idaho, will sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash, in lawful money of the United States, all payable at the time of sale, the following described real property and personal property, situated in the County of Bonner, State of Idaho, and described as follows: The South Half of the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter of section 9, township 56 north, range 2 west, Boise Meridian, Bonner County Idaho; except the County Road. The Trustee has no knowledge of a more particular description of the above referenced real property, but for purposes of compliance with Section 60-113 Idaho Code, the Trustee has been informed that the address sometimes associated with said real property is: 226 Merill Martin Road Sagle, ID 83860 Said sale will be made without covenant or warranty regarding title, possession or encumbrances to satisfy the obligation secured by and pursuant to the power of sale conferred in the Deed of Trust executed by: David J. Sommer, subject to the community interest of his spouse, Cindy R. Sommer, as grantors, to First American Title, as Trustee, for the benefit and security of "MERS" Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. solely as nominee for Lender GMAC Mortgage Corporation DBA, as Beneficiary, dated 10/5/2003, recorded 10/28/2003, as Instrument No. 637378, records of Bonner County, Idaho, the beneficial interest in which is presently held by Mortgage Electronic Registration System, Inc. The above Grantors are named to comply with section 45-1506(4)(A), Idaho Code. No representation is made that they are, or are not, presently responsible for this obligation. The Default for which this sale is to be made is the failure to pay when due, under Deed of Trust and Note dated 10/5/2003. The monthly installments for principal, interest, and impounds (if applicable) of 615.72, due per month for the months of 6/1/2006 through 12/26/2006, and all subsequent payments until the date of sale or reinstatement. The principal balance owing as of this date on the obligation secured by said Deed of Trust is $ 96,791.63, plus accruing interest at the rate of 6.25% per annum from 5/1/2006 . All delinquent amounts are now due, together with accruing late charges, and interest, unpaid and accruing taxes, assessments, trustee's fees, attorney's fees, and any amounts advanced to protect the security associated with this foreclosure. The Beneficiary elects to sell or cause the trust property to be sold to satisfy said obligation. Dated: August 23, 2006 Fidelity National Title Insurance Company Dianna Sandoval, authorized signatory c/o Executive Trustee Services, Inc. 15455 San Fernando Mission Blvd. #208, Mission Hills, CA 91345 Phone: (818) 837-2300 Sale Line: (818) 361-6998 ASAP# 787515

Legal SNP#8213

Oct. 24, 31, Nov. 7, 14, 2006

Court Case Number CV06-54

Sheriff's Case Number




AAA Sweetwater Drilling, Inc., an Idaho Corporation, Plaintiff


Randall D. Buck and Audrey L. Buck, husband and wife, Defendant

By virtue of a Writ of Execution in my hands, issued out of the District Court of the First Judicial District of the State of IDaho, in and for the County of Bonner, in the above named case on the 6th day of September, 2006. I have levied upon all the right, title and interest of the said defendants in and to the following property, situated in Bonner County, Idaho:

A portion of the South Half of the South Half of Section 24, Township 58 North, Range 1 West, Boise Meridian, Bonner County, Idaho, described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the North line of said South Half of the South half and the West bank of Pack River and running thence West along said North line approximately 1100 feet to the Easterly right of way line of the county road: thence Southeasterly along said line 1000 feet, more or less, to the center line of the said creek, thence Northerly along the center line of the creek to the West bank of said Pack River; thence Northerly along the said West bank to the point of beginning. Said real property has an address commonly known as 2671 Lower Pack River Road, Sandpoint, Idaho 83864.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that on the 1st day of November, 2006 at 10:00 o'clock A.M. of said day, at the Courthouse, 215 South First, Sandpoint, Idaho, I will sell all the right, title and interest of said defendants in and to the said described property, at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash in lawful money of the United States, to satisfy said Writ of Execution and all costs.

Given under my hand this 26th day of September, 2006.

Elaine Savage, Sheriff

By: Diana Moore, Deputy

Legal SNP# 8175

October 10, 24, 31, 2006

COURT Case No. CV06-54


NO. C06-01847






AAA Sweetwater Drilling, Inc., an Idaho Corporation, Plaintiff


Randall D. Buck and Audrey L. Buck, husband and wife, Defendant

By virtue of a Writ of Execution in my hands, issued out of the District Court of the First Judicial District of the State of Idaho, in and for the County of Bonner, in the above named case on the 6th day of September, 2006. I have levied upon all the right, title and interest of the said defendants in and to the following property, situated in Bonner County, Idaho:

A portion of the South Half of the South Half of Section 24, Township 58 North, Range 1 West, Boise Meridian, Bonner County, Idaho, described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the North line of said South Half of the South Half and the West bank of Pack River and running thence West along said North line approximately 1100 feet to the Easterly right of way line of the county road: thence Southeasterly along said line 1000 feet, more or less, to the center line of the said creek, thence Northerly along the center line of the creek to the West bank of said Pack River; thence Northerly along the said West bank to the point of beginning. Said real property has an address commonly known as 2671 Lower Pack River Road, Sandpoint, Idaho 83864.

NOTICE IS HERBY GIVEN, that on the 8th day of November, 2006 at 10:00 o'clock A.M. of said day, at the Courthouse, 215 South First, Sandpoint, Idaho, I will sell all the right, title and interest of said defendants in and to the said above described property, at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash in lawful money of the United States, to satisfy said Writ of Execution and all costs.

Given under my hand this 16th day of October, 2006.

Elaine Savage, Sheriff

By Diana Moore, Deputy

Legal SNP#8210

Oct. 24, 31, Nov. 7, 2006



PLEASE TAKE NOTICE THAT the city of Kootenai will hear a proposal for annexation and zoning for Mike Hammack of a parcel of real property adjacent to and contiguous with the city limits of the city of Kootenai. Said property is described as follows:

Being a parcel of land located in the Northwest Quarter of Section 1, Township 57 North, Range 2 West, Boise Meridian, Bonner County, Idaho more particularly described as follows:

BEGINNING at the northeast corner of Lot 21 of Mike's Place according to the plat thereof recorded at Book 7 of Plats, Page 235, being also a point on the south boundary line of Hollyford - Phase One, according to the plat thereof recorded at Book 4 of Plats, Page 48;

thence N89°27'31"E along said south boundary line of Hollyford - Phase One, a distance of 696.96 feet to the west right of way line of North Kootenai Road;

thence S0°45'00"E along said west right of way line, a distance of 125.00 feet to its intersection with the north right of way line of Rebecca's Way as shown on said plat of Mike's Place;

thence S89°27'31"W along said north right of way line, a distance of 696.96 feet to the southeast corner of said Lot 21;

thence N0°45'00"W along the east line of said lot, a distance of 125.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING.

Contains 87119 square feet or 2 acres, more or less.

The proposed zoning of said property is Residential. A public hearing before the City Council of the City of Kootenai will take place before the City Council on the 7th day of November, 2006 at 7:00 P.M. at city of Kootenai City Hall located at 204 Spokane St., Kootenai, Idaho.

All persons desiring to be heard concerning said annexation should be in attendance. The file regarding said annexation is available for review in the office of the City Clerk at Kootenai City Hall.

Mary Luzmoor, City Clerk

Legal SNP#8212

October 24, 31, 2006

No. CV 2006-0786




AUTOMATED ACCOUNTS, INC., a Washington Corporation,



RONALD W. DUNAWAY and JANE DOE DUNAWAY, husband and wife.


TO: RONALD W. DUNAWAY and JANE DOE DUNAWAY, husband and wife.

You have been sued by Automated Accounts, Inc., the Plaintiff, in the District Court and for Bonner County, Idaho, Case No. CV 2006-0786.

The nature of the claim against you is for services rendered to you that remain unpaid.

Any time after 20 days following the last publication of this Summons, the court may enter a judgment against you without further notice, unless prior to that time you have filed a written response in the proper form, including the Case No., and pay any required filing fee to the Clerk of the Court at Bonner County Courthouse, 215 South First Avenue, Sandpoint, Idaho 83864, (208)265-1432, and served a copy of your response on the Plaintiff's attorney Thomas Milby Smith, at 1402 W. Broadway, Spokane, Washington 99201, (509)327-9902.

A copy of the Summons and Complaint can be obtained by contacting either the Clerk of the Court or the attorney for Plaintiff.

If you wish legal assistance, you should immediately retain an attorney to advise you in this matter.

Dated: Sept. 13, 2006.



By: J. Hendrickson


Legal SNP# 8163

October 3, 10, 17, 24, 2006


The Board of County Commissioners is calling for letters of interest from persons interested in serving on the Bonner County Fair Board. Duties of the Fair Board members include, but are not limited to, the care and custody of all property belonging to Bonner County, that are used for fair purposes, and the responsibility for all moneys received by it. Please send letters to: Bonner County Board of Commissioners, 215 South First, Sandpoint, Idaho 83864. Letter should be received by October 27, 2006.

Joseph E. Young, Chairman

Legal SNP# 8188

October 11, 24, 2006


Notice of Public Sale to enforce storage lien. Notice is hereby given that B. Anderson will sell car belonging to Masahito Iritakenishi by public auction. The care will be sold for cash or certified funds. No personal checks will be accepted.

Car is a 1999 Subaru, Impreza, Vin# JF1GF4352XG815187.

Wyoming License Plate #373K.

Sale will take place on Saturday, November 11th, at 10:00am. Location: 724-1/2 N. Boyer Ave. N., Sandpoint, ID 83864.

Legal SNP#8199

October 17, 24, 2006BONNER COUNTY


Tuesday, October 10, 2006


On Tuesday, October 10, 2006, the Board of Commissioners met for a regularly scheduled Business Meeting with the full Board present.



Mr. Dan Spinosa from GIS will be added to the agenda at the end of the morning session.

Commissioner Phillips requested that a Road and Bridge Agreement with Chuck Spickelmire be added to the agenda.

Commissioner Dye moved to Adopt the Order of the Agenda as amended. Commissioner Phillips seconded. All in favor. The motion passed.


There was no public comment today.


No meeting updates were presented today.


1) Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes for 9/05/06, 10/03/06.

2) Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes for Planning & Zoning for 5/03/06, 5/10/06, 5/17/06, 5/31/06 and 6/21/06.

The Board of Commissioners' Meeting Minutes for Planning & Zoning for 5/03/06, 5/10/06, 5/17/06, 5/31/06 and 6/21/06 were tabled for this meeting.

Commissioner Phillips moved to approve the Consent Agenda as amended. Commissioner Dye seconded. All in favor. The motion passed.


1) Updates on Staff, Projects and Departments

Director Leslie Marshall presented an update on staff, projects and departments.

? New dock is in at Cedar Creek.

? Last day for letters of interest for the milfoil committee. Appointments will be set for interviews.

ROAD & BRIDGE - Chuck Spickelmire

1) Updates on Staff, Road Districts and Projects

Director Spickelmire presented an update on staff, Road Districts and projects.

An employment service agreement with Mr. Spickelmire was discussed which included a two year contract regarding benefits and wages.

Commissioner Phillips moved to approve the employment service contract with Mr. Spickelmire. Commissioner Dye seconded. All in favor. The motion passed.

Commissioner Dye moved to adjourn at 9:05AM for a brief recess. Commissioner Phillips seconded. All in favor. The motion passed. The meeting reconvened at 9:15AM.


1) Updates on Staff, Calls, Permits and Applications

Director Clare Marley presented an update on staff, calls, permits and applications

? Discussion regarding a spreadsheet that could be used for tracking purposes which show the start to finish process.

2) Final Plat Approval of Rail View, File # SS1310-05

After discussion regarding the conditions of approval, Commissioner Dye moved to approve the final plat of Rail View, File # SS1310-05 and authorize the Chair to sign. Commissioner Phillips seconded. All in favor. The motion passed.

3) Final Plat Approval of Bright Sky, File # SS1314-05

Commissioner Dye moved to approve the final plat of Bright Sky, File # SS1314-05 and authorize the Chair to sign. Commissioner Phillips seconded. All in favor. The motion passed.

4) Final Plat Approval of CDS Stoneridge, Files #SM921-05 & File #SM921-06

Commissioner Dye moved to remove File #SM921-06 from the agenda, as information was not complete to move forward on this file. Commissioner Phillips seconded. All in favor. The motion passed.

After discussion, Commissioner Phillips had concerns regarding the sewer easement placement on File # SM921-05.

Commissioner Phillips moved to table the file of CDS Stoneridge, File # SM921-05 until the questions can be answered. Commissioner Dye seconded. All in favor. The motion passed.

5) Appointment to fill the Planning and Zoning Commission vacancy

Director Marley indicated that she spoke to Stephen Smith regarding the position on the Planning and Zoning Commission.

Commissioner Dye moved to adopt Resolution #06-70, the appointment of Stephen F. Smith to the Bonner County Planning and Zoning Commission through October 1, 2008. Commissioner Phillips seconded. All in favor. The motion passed.

Commissioner Dye made a motion to move into Executive Session under Idaho Code S67-2345S (B) (F) regarding Personnel and Litigation Matters. The full board was present along with Civil Council, Mr. John Topp and Director Clare Marley. Roll Call:

Commissioner Young Aye

Commissioner Phillips Aye

Commissioner Dye Aye

At 10:50AM, Commissioner Phillips moved to adjourn from the Executive Session and return to the regular business meeting. Commissioner Dye seconded. All in favor. The motion passed.

Commissioner Phillips made a motion to schedule a Special Meeting for Wednesday, October 11, 2006 at 1:00PM for the purposes of discussing Title 12 and the ongoing hearing process that needs to be promoted. Commissioner Dye seconded. All in favor. The motion passed.


1) Approval of 2nd Year Summer School Grant

After discussion, Commissioner Dye moved to approve the Summer School Grant for Justice Services. Commissioner Phillips seconded. All in favor. The motion passed.

Commissioner Phillips suggested that a meeting be set up with Marcus Robbins, the Sheriff and Director Stallcup regarding the Spillman software program and access to it. Commissioner Phillips will be the contact person regarding this issue.

Commissioner Phillips made a motion to move into Executive Session under Idaho Code S67- 2345S (B) regarding Personnel Matters with the full Board present along with Dan Spinosa from GIS. Commissioner Dye seconded. All in favor. The motion passed. Roll Call:

Commissioner Phillips Aye

Commissioner Young Aye

Commissioner Dye Aye

At 11:26AM, Commissioner Dye moved to adjourn from Executive Session and recess from the regular business meeting. Commissioner Phillips seconded. All in favor. The motion passed.

The business meeting reconvened at 1:35PM with Commissioner Phillips and Chairman Young present. Commissioner Dye was absent.


There was no public comment.


1) Update on Staff, Departments, Calls and Projects

Joe Uzeta presented an update on staff, departments, calls and projects.

Updates on contracts that have been received from the Ambulance Transport Agencies.

? Inquiries regarding surplus ambulances.

? Update on the Open House that occurred on Friday, October 6, 2006.

? EMS haunted house will be held and preparations are underway.

? Pursuing various options for the tracking and accountability of medical supplies used by EMS.


1) Approval of Claims for Batch #24 and Batch # 01

Claims Batch # 24 Claims Batch # 01

General Fund 61520.52 General Fund 27894.05

Road & Bridge 282996.6 Road & Bridge 1044.56

Airport 429.08 Airport 2100

Drug Court 470.51 District Court 2718.09

District Court 19132.91 Fair County 44.06

911 Fund 32303.55 911 Fund 452.52

Indigent & Charity 19309.78 Indigent & Charity 16.06

Revaluation 23390.62 Revaluation 190.64

Solid Waste 284118.09 Solid Waste 184.41

Weeds 15353.53 Tort 207782

Parks & Recs 2032.84 Parks & Recs 13.86

Highway, Special State 3000 Justice Fund 1415.48

Justice Fund 54733.09 Waterways 500

Snowmobile 10.44 Grants 19.59

Waterways 6469.23 Ambulance District 5151.32

Jail Construction 470

Grants 42600

Ambulance District 16869.57

Commissioner Phillips made a motion to approve the claims for payment for Batch #24 and Batch #01. Chairman Young vacated the Chair and seconded. All in favor. The motion passed.

2) Proposal for Winter Maintenance- Lippert Heavy Equipment, Inc.

After discussion regarding the contract with Lippert Heavy Equipment, Inc., to continue the services as we have in the past, Commissioner Phillips moved to approve the contract. Chairman Young vacated the Chair and seconded. All in favor. The motion passed.

Assistance Director, Susan Shea met before the Board on Wednesday, September 13, 2006 for the following cases to be considered: Approved: #2006142 Denied: #2006137, #2006153 and #2006164 and on Wednesday, October 4, 2006 for the following cases to be considered: Denied:

#2006144, #2006154, #2006156, #2006157, #2006158, #2006168 and #2006169.

Commissioner Phillips made a motion to move into Executive Session on Thursday, October 5, 2006 at 5:07PM, under Idaho code S67-2345S (B) regarding Personnel Matters. The full Board was present along with Joe Uzeta, Director Bob Howard and the following EMT's, MaryBeth, Randy and Nadine. Commissioner Dye seconded. All in favor. The motion passed.

Roll Call:

Commissioner Phillips Aye

Commissioner Young Aye

Commissioner Dye Aye

Commissioner Dye moved to adjourn from Executive Session. Commissioner Phillips seconded. All in favor. The motion passed.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. The next Board of County Commissioners' Regular Meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 17, 2006, in the County Courthouse.

Joseph E. Young, Chairman

ATTEST: Marie Scott

Pamela J. Vasquez, Deputy Clerk

Legal SNP#8211

October 24, 2006