Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Levy opponents need to outline plan

| September 13, 2006 9:00 PM

Well, congratulation to those who opposed the school levy. I wonder what your vision for this area is. After visiting factories in Korea, China, Brazil and Mexico I know that America's future is not going to come from our labor. Others can do the same unskilled jobs much cheaper than we will ever be able to. If we are going to compete in a global marketplace America must do so on the abilities of our minds. In the past, it has always been better to be a B student in America than an A student in Bangalore (For veterans of this school system, Bangalore is in India). This is no longer the case, we are not just competing on labor and productivity, but the quality of the ideas we create.

I know some will say that this levy would not have improved the quality of education. I find that hard to believe when class size is correlated to the quality of education. But, even if you don't believe that this levy would have improved education, I think it is a sad commentary on this community that our school system has to beg and struggle for every penny to invest in our children's education.

So, what is your vision for our future? What kinds of opportunities do you want for our graduates? As the venerable Judge Smails was fond of saying, "The world needs its ditch diggers, too." Lets just hope in a global marketplace, that Sandpoint has more to offer than that.

