LPOSD needs to be more accountable with finances
People who owned property in Bonner County as far back as 1980 can't be continually fooled by the LPOSD. Back in the early '80s a bond levy was passed to build five new elementary schools, of which the Kootenai school was one. Somehow the Kootenai School wasn't built but the athletic field behind the high school mysteriously appeared.
In the early '90s another bond issue was passed to build the Kootenai school, but now we find out that it wasn't finished! Where did this money go? And as usual, the LPOSD is again sniveling for more money to finish this school.
With the superintendent of schools having two or three assistants, what are we paying him $80,000 per year to do? The same goes for the school principles with all their assistants! Administrative costs are way out of balance in the overall school district budget. When the LPOSD finally learns that its money doesn't grow on trees, and they learn to budget and spend money for which it is levied, they wouldn't have as much trouble getting one passed. It's time that the Board of Education and the Lake Pend Oreille School District are held responsible to account for every dime that they receive. The current tax assessment situation is no the only contributing factor for the levy defeat.
Harold Davidson