Wednesday, December 18, 2024


| April 17, 2007 9:00 PM

Pursuant to Section 58-104(g) and 58-1301, et seq., Idaho Code (The Lake Protection Act) andA6P5rules of the State Board of Land Commissioners, notice is hereby given that Debby Trinen ofA6P5776 Upland Drive - Sandpoint, ID 83864 made application to install a domestic waterline.A6P5Located on Lake Pend Oreille, Idaho adjacent to: Section 34, Township 57 North, Range 1A6P5East; B.M., in Bonner County.

Written objections to or requests for hearing in this matter must be on file with the IdahoA6P5Department of Lands, 2550 Highway 2 West, Sandpoint, Idaho 83864 within thirty (30) daysA6P5after the first appearance of this notice. Specific information regarding this application may beA6P5obtained from Jim Brady, Lands Resource Specialist - Senior, Minerals & Navigable Waters atA6P5the above address or by calling (208) 263-5104.


Area SupervisorA6P5Idaho Department of Lands

Legal SNP# 8579

April 10, 17, 2007A6P5