Wednesday, December 18, 2024


| April 28, 2007 9:00 PM

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

This Meeting is a Continuation of the Regular Business Meeting Held on Tuesday, April 3, 2007.

Chairman Lewis Rich called the meeting to order at 2:30PM with the full Board present.

Commissioner Young made a motion to approve the agenda as presented. Commissioner Crossett seconded. All in favor. The motion passed.

There was no public comment.

1) Letter of Support for Bonner County Partners in Care Grant from the Rural Health Care Access Program.

Laura Cartelli was present to share information about the grant. After discussion, Commissioner Young moved to approve the letter of support for Bonner County Partners in Care Grant. Commissioner Crossett seconded. All in favor. The motion passed.

2) Approval of Claims for Batch # 14

Commissioner Young moved to approve payment for the Claims for Batch # 14. Commissioner

Crossett seconded. All in favor. The motion passed.

3) Amendment to Resolution # 07-26- Tort Fund

After discussion, Commissioner Young moved to approve the amendment to Resolution #07-26 for treasury appropriation. Commissioner Crossett seconded. All in favor. The motion passed.

4) Approval of Bid for Liquid Asphalt Road Oil

Commissioner Crossett made a motion to approve the bid from SemMaterials. Commissioner Young read the information on the bid amounts and amended the motion to include the amounts of the bid, and seconded. All in favor. The motion passed.

5) Miscellaneous Items

Director Bob Howard presented information on National Telecommunications Week and asked that a press release be done supporting Bonner County. Commissioner Young made a motion supporting the press release and commending the efforts of Bonner Counties Telecommunications Team. Commissioner Crossett seconded. All in favor. The motion passed.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 2:38 PM.

The next Board of Commissioners Business meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 17, 2007 at the Bonner County Courthouse.

On Wednesday April 4, 2007, Assistance Director Susan Shea met with the Board for the following cases to be considered: Approved: # 2007026 Denied: # 2007038, # 2007043 and # 2007048

On Thursday, April 5, 2007 the full Board met in Executive Session at 10:30 AM under Idaho Code S67-2345 (F) regarding Litigation with civil council, Louis Marshall, Mr. Bill Berg and Director Spickelmire.

Lewis Rich, Chairman

ATTEST: Marie Scott

By: Pamela J. Vasquez,

Deputy Clerk

Legal SNP# 8632

April 28, 2007